Sakamoto Days Cliffhanger Finally Introduces A New Psychic

Sakamoto Days Chapter 181 has finally introduced a new psychic with its big cliffhanger

Sakamoto Days has kicked off a huge new training arc, and the final moments from the newest chapter of the series has made things more intriguing by finally introducing a new psychic ability user to the series. Sakamoto Days has been preparing for a full fight against the JAA, and Taro Sakamoto and the others have started to train in their various ways in order to be ready to take on their strongest assassin opponents yet. But as Taro and the others have quickly figured out over the last few chapters, they can't all train in the same way as they have different abilities and skills to strengthen. 

Sakamoto Days previously saw Shin and Heisuke working with Kindaka on their skills, but hit a wall in terms of their improvement. Because while Shin has physical abilities that could stack up with the deadlier assassins, his real edge over the others is his mind reading abilities. But with his ESP abilities not being able to keep up with his physical abilities, Shin realized the best way to train is to find someone who can teach him how to better use his powers. Thankfully, there's a psychic within the JAA who can do just that...but she's currently trapped deep within their prison. 


Atari in Sakamoto Days Chapter 181

- Shueisha / Viz Media)

Sakamoto Days: Shin Seeks Out a Psychic

Sakamoto Days previously saw Kindaka and Nagumo explain that because Shin is at his physical limits, the best way to move forward is to train his ESP instead. Nagumo then reveals that there's another person with psychic abilities within the JAA, and they are a fortune teller. Their accuracy was touted to be 100 percent, and about 80 percent of the JAA's decisions went through this fortune teller. Only a few people within the organization now of the fortune teller (to keep the organization from finding out they make their decisions with a psychic), but the fortune teller was essentially betrayed. 

Because the fortune teller made a few bad calls regarding X's moves, the JAA suspected they were working with the rogue organization and has put them in a special jail for JAA assassins that who violate their regulations. It's a prison deep below a castle, and the lowest layers have the most dangerous prisoners. So Shin and Heisuke then turn themselves into the JAA, and are now working their way through the prison in order to make contact with this fortune teller. 

Who Is Atari? 

Sakamoto Days Chapter 181 explains that the fortune teller is on the deepest floor of the jail, and thus Shin and Heisuke somehow need to make their way down to that level. The final moments of the chapter then reveal this fortune teller in full. A young girl named Atari is seen rejecting both food and video games due to futures that she foresees where she won't be entertained by either of them. But while her security guards are trying to get her to eat, she doesn't care because she says she'll be getting out soon anyway. 

Claiming that her "prince in shining armor" is on the way, and that her predictions never fail, it's now clear that she's likely talking about Shin as he's currently trying to make his way down to her level. If Shin indeed is able to make contact with Atari, and she's able to help him better use his ESP abilities, then Shin is going to be a major help to Taro and the others when the full fights against the JAA and the remnants of X to come in the future.