
This Realistic Anime Project Proves Such A Thing Should Never Exist

You may be thinking that The Simpsons or South Park holds the crown of the longest running […]

You may be thinking that The Simpsons or South Park holds the crown of the longest running animated series in the world. With decades of episodes to their names, surely there can’t be a contender to their runs right? Well, you’d be wrong as Sazae-San, an animated series that has run since 1969, is the current king. To honor the long running comedy, an exhibit was created in celebration of the franchise’s 50th anniversary and the results are nightmare fuel.

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Online Source Kotaku dropped the first look at the Fuji TV Exhibit that shows off just how the characters of Sazae-San would appear were they to exist in the real world, showing why anime characters should always stick to their medium it seems:

If you want even more disturbing content, you can dive deeper into the article to see the assembling of the individual figures which elicits feelings from the Child’s Play franchise and Chucky’s murderous resurrection. All joking aside, props must be given to Fuji TV to create such intricate figurines that bring the Sazae-San series to life, allowing fans to celebrate the pinnacle anniversary.

Sazae-San’s original manga debut was 1946, but that printed run ended surprisingly enough in the 1970s. With over 2500 episodes under its belt, the comedy franchise has long been a staple within Japanese culture and it doesn’t seem like it will be stopping any time soon. The franchise even spawned a live action television series though rest assured, the characters that debuted in that program did not resemble the creatures we now see before us.

What do you think of these disturbing figures from the Sazae-San series? Can you think of other terrifying anime creations brought to life? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics and anime!

For those unfamiliar with Sazae-San, which is probably a good deal of you, the series follows the the titular character Sazae and her family which includes her parents, her children, and her husband as they discover mundane hilarity in their day to day lives. The series began in 1946, continuing to this day, making it the longest running animated television show, leaving even Fox’s The Simpsons in the dust. Much like Seth McFarlane’s Family Guy, the family also has an anthropomorphic pet in the form of their cat who walks upright named Tama. The television series was based on an manga titled “The Wonderful World of Sazae-San“, created by Machiko Hasegawa, that ran for over 25 years with 10,000+ comic strips to its name.