The anime adaptation of Sentenced to Be a Hero has finally been given a release window and cast update. The upcoming anime adaptation is produced by Studio Kai, the same studio behind Kamen Rider W: Fuuto PI and Captain Tsubasa: Junior Youth Arc. Studio Kai has shared new promo images and trailers for Sentenced to Be a Hero, hyping the dark fantasy series with its muted colors and violent action set pieces. The studio confirms the anime is looking to release sometime in 2025, but the company did not specify a release date or seasonal release. While fans hope the series will be released at the beginning of the year, it’s very much possible the anime won’t see the light of day until the end of the year.
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Studio Kai also revealed the voice actors playing the two leads of Sentenced to Be a Hero. Yohei Azakami will be voicing the lead protagonist Xylo Forbartz, while Mayu Iizuka will play goddess Teoritta. Azakami is a prolific voice actor, best known for voicing Guel in Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury. Iizuka is an actress known for her roles in Million Doll and Cue! She’s also part of the voice acting troupe called Dialogue.
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What is Sentenced to Be a Hero About?
The subtitle for Sentenced to Be a Hero is The Prison Records of Penal Hero Unit 9004. The series began as light novels written by Rocket Shoaki and illustrated by Mephisto. The story takes place in a cruel fantasy world where a deadly contagion rots the land and turns creatures into monstrous beasts that are a threat to humanity. To combat this growing danger, armies are formed with “Heroes” serving the front line. Only terrible criminals are sentenced to be heroes, forced to fight the deadly beasts before the rest of the army moves forward. Once a hero dies, they are brought back to life to continue the battle in an endless cycle.
Xylo Forbartz is sentenced to be a hero after murdering a goddess, yet soon comes across a new goddess named Teoritta; the two then form a partnership to help each other and possibly save the world. The light novel series proved popular enough that it led to a manga adaptation. The light novel series currently has six volumes out and is published in North America by Yen Press. The manga series only has two volumes and is published by Kadokawa in North America.
H/T: us.oricon