When Jinwoo Sung arrived in the anime world earlier this year via Solo Leveling’s anime adaptation, the South Korean Manwha story took the world by storm in record time. In fact, the premiere episode of the unique anime series reportedly crashed Crunchyroll as anime fans attempted to check out one of the “next big things.” With a compilation film and the anime’s second season on the way, Jinwoo has some big challenges on the way but is more than willing to try out a symbiote in his spare time. To capitalize on the recent release of Venom: The Last Dance, Solo Leveling has placed its characters into similar roles as Eddie Brock and his symbiote.
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Venom: The Last Dance is billed as the final Venom movie starring Tom Hardy as the down-on-his-luck reporter Eddie Brock. While many fans are left wondering if Hardy will return for a future film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, nothing has been confirmed as of the writing of this article. In the past, the Venom lead has stated that he would love nothing more than to take on Tom Holland’s Spider-Man, leaving the door open for a potential one-on-one fight. Despite how The Last Dance saw the relationship between Eddie and his symbiote come to an end, there are more than enough clues to hint at a comeback for both, should Sony and the MCU be looking to throw this odd couple back into the spotlight.
Venom Leveling
Jinwoo might have increased his power level to wild new heights in Solo Leveling’s first season but his journey is far from over. In the first season finale, Sung managed to take down one of the strongest opponents he had faced in a bid to nab an elixir that would cure his mother’s illness. Thanks to this, the anime protagonist has been able to “level up” and acquire a new class. Now a necromancer, Solo Leveling’s second season is sure to rock the anime world once again when it arrives in January of next year.
Venom: An Anime Star?
While anime fans have seen characters like the X-Men, Blade, Iron Man, and Spider-Man hit the anime world in some form or fashion, Venom is a character that has yet to be highlighted in any anime. This isn’t to say that Eddie and his symbiote will never get their chance to shine in the anime medium as there is one manga that has a special place for the symbiote.
Marvel Comics have been diving more into the manga world in recent years, with offerings like Deadpool: Samurai hitting the stands. Released last year, Spider-Man: Fake Red is a manga by creator Yusuke Osawa that sees an entirely new web-slinger take on the role of New York City’s protector from Peter Parker. Without going into spoiler territory, the mini-series is one that has a role for the symbiote and would make for a solid anime outing should it ever be adapted to the small screen.
This recent crossover isn’t the first anime crossover that Venom: The Last Dance was a part of, as Marvel’s most popular symbiote teamed up with one of Sanrio’s finest. To help celebrate the Venom trilogy’s final film, Sanrio mascot Kuromi took a similar route as Solo Leveling in recreating the now classic poster. Fingers crossed anime fans get more Venom crossovers before the movie ends its theatrical run.
Want to see how Marvel’s most popular symbiote continues to find its way into the anime universe? Follow along with Team Anime on ComicBook.com for all the latest updates and hit me up directly @EVComedy to talk all things comics and anime.