
10 Strongest Sailor Scouts in Sailor Moon, Ranked

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Sailor Moon has multiple versions of its stories told through the manga and several anime variations, meaning that characters can have a stronger presence in one version, but be absent in another. Additionally, the Sailor Scouts grow and evolve throughout the series, which means that their powers change, too. This is seen the most among the main cast of Sailor Scouts โ€” particularly Sailor Moon with the many forms she takes โ€” as they become Super Sailor Scouts and more, but this growth isn’t limited to them. Plus, the way a character evolves isn’t always positive either, such as Chibi Moon becoming Black Lady during her villain arc.

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With differences between the manga and anime for some characters being more extreme than others, it’s tough to rank them when you take both variations into consideration. However, you can end up with a decent guess about where each Sailor Scout stands in terms of their strength, as some of the strongest, such as Sailor Moon, make their powers obvious in at least one form of media. Looking at all the Sailor Scouts featured in the series, here are the strongest of them all.

10. Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus

Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune almost always work together as a duo, and that makes them decently strong, or at least strong enough to be considered in a top 10 ranking. They have clairvoyant abilities and combat abilities that work well together. Sailor Neptuneโ€™s mirror always tells the truth, which also gives it abilities like dispelling illusions and astral projection. Meanwhile, Sailor Uranus has her sword as a Talisman, which gives her stronger combat abilities.

The Outer Senshi (Sailors Uranus, Neptune, and Saturn) have a different role from the Inner Senshi (Sailor Moon and her group), which is to defend the solar system from threats and invaders, meaning that theyโ€™re more like warriors. This is also why they have the Talisman and generally stronger abilities. Meanwhile, the Inner Senshi focus on guarding Sailor Moon directly.

9. Sailor Starlights

Sailor Starlights are naturally below Sailors Chi and Phi, because in the manga, theyโ€™re actually killed by Sailors Chi and Phi. The difficult part in ranking them comes from the differences in their roles in the manga and in the anime. In the manga, they barely appeared. But in the anime, they tend to have more of a presence. Additionally, they survive to the end of the anime, being the only beings in the galaxy to do so aside from Sailor Moon.

Because the Sailor Starlights are strong enough to encounter Sailor Galaxia multiple times and live in the anime, they are able to rank among the strongest in Sailor Moon. However, the weakness in their manga variations means that how strong you see them as being depends on which versions of them youโ€™ve seen, since they ended up being changed for the anime.

8. Sailor Chi and Sailor Phi

Sailor Chi and Sailor Phi are a duo who act as Sailor Galaxiaโ€™s right hand. Unfortunately, they ended up being absent in the original anime. In the original manga, Sailor Chi and Sailor Phi are strong enough to kill the Sailor Starlights, which leads to them presenting those crystals to Sailor Galaxia to give her more strength. They also try to stop Sailor Moon and Sailor Kakyuu from reaching Galaxia Palace.

While Sailor Chi and Sailor Phi are able to defeat the Sailor Starlights and kill Sailor Kakyuu, theyโ€™re no match for Sailor Moon. Sheโ€™s able to counter their attacks and defeat them, even after the death of Sailor Kakyuu. So, as a duo, these two are somewhat strong and were able to earn a place working for Sailor Galaxia, but they arenโ€™t the best of the best.

7. Sailor Chibi Moon

Sailor Chibi Moon is another Sailor Scout who is strong, but a big part of her ranking comes in the form of her future potential. When you see her in the series, sheโ€™s basically being trained to be a Sailor Scout, so sheโ€™s not an experienced combatant yet. However, you see glimpses of her abilities when she performs combination attacks with Sailor Moon, and when sheโ€™s in her Black Lady form.

Since Sailor Chibi Moon is the child of Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask, she can use the power of the Silver Crystal, and possibly the Golden Crystal, which empowers the Silver Crystalโ€™s strength. With the Silver Crystal being the item that gives Sailor Moon her power, you can safely assume that her power should be at least close to Sailor Moonโ€™s in the future.

6. Sailor Pluto

Sailor Pluto has the power to manipulate time and space, freeze time, open rifts to different eras, teleport people, and create shields. While that doesnโ€™t sound like sheโ€™d be able to hold her own in combat with mostly support abilities, sheโ€™s able to hold her own and deal damage as well. Because of her power over time, Sailor Pluto spends the majority of her time guarding the Space-Time Door.

The main drawback is that most of her abilities are forbidden, meaning that she puts herself at risk when she uses them, and she does break each of the three rules about using her abilities during the series for the sake of others. So, she does have a lot of strong abilities at her disposal, but sheโ€™s unable to use them as freely as characters like Sailor Moon and Sailor Galaxia, bringing down her overall rank.

5. Sailor Chaos

Sailor Chaos is difficult to rank because you donโ€™t get to see her abilities, and instead only hear about them from Sailor Cosmos. Her abilities are incredibly destructive, and she was originally the Chaos that manipulated Sailor Galaxia. When Sailor Moon separated Chaos from Galaxia, she sealed her in the Galaxy Cauldron, where sheโ€™d later emerge reborn as Sailor Chaos. The moment Chaos is sealed in the cauldron is what Sailor Cosmos wants to change by going to the past.

Although her power is strong enough to make Sailor Cosmos go to the past in order to rewrite the future, Sailor Moon makes the same decision the second time, saying that she believes in the future. The series ends with Sailor Cosmos returning to fight Sailor Chaos with renewed vigor, but what happens is never revealed.

4. Sailor Cosmos

The list of abilities that Sailor Cosmos has is long, and theyโ€™re all able to make changes on a universal scale. She can manipulate reality, rewrite outcomes, manipulate celestial objects, manipulate gravity, create portals, teleport, destroy the universe, and more. When ranking Sailor Cosmos, you might wonder why she doesn’t rank higher. The reason is that she also, technically, another familiar character.

Sailor Cosmos is a future form of Sailor Moon. Sheโ€™s the ultimate future form of Sailor Moon, to be exact, but itโ€™s unclear if that means that sheโ€™s the current Sailor Moon from the future, or another reincarnation of Sailor Moon, the way that Usagi is Princess Serenity reborn. Additionally, she spends most of her time in the series as a weaker version of herself by appearing as Sailor Chibi Chibi.

3. Sailor Galaxia

Sailor Galaxia is a unique case when it comes to power. Like Sailor Saturn, she has the ability to destroy planets by pointing at them. When she fights Sailor Moon, sheโ€™s undoubtedly the strongest opponent that Sailor Moon faces, and she almost loses because sheโ€™s unwilling to destroy Sailor Galaxia. By that logic, sheโ€™s the strongest Sailor Scout aside from Sailor Moon at that point in time.

The question becomes how much of that strength is her own. Sailor Galaxia is able to destroy at least one planet with her own strength, but after meeting Chaos, she starts collecting the crystals of other Sailor Scouts to increase her power. Because of this, her power ranking can shift depending on how important it is that the Sailor Scoutโ€™s power is naturally their own, or if using the power of other crystals counts as being her strength.

2. Sailor Saturn

Sailor Saturn is terrifying enough that Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus try to prevent her from awakening so she wonโ€™t use her abilities. Although it might seem like it in the way Sailor Saturn is presented, sheโ€™s not evil or a villain, even if sheโ€™s associated with silence and destruction. Instead, her powers mirror Sailor Moonโ€™s in a way, and theyโ€™re part of starting a cycle of rebirth.

With the Silence Glaive as her main weapon, Sailor Saturn can destroy one or more planets with a single strike. Once a worldโ€“or worldsโ€“is destroyed, Sailor Saturn can start its rebirth process. The problem is that her ability runs the risk of destroying other Sailor Scouts, which is enough to place her high on the power scale. Her biggest weakness likely lies in her lackluster healing ability weakening her when she uses it.

1. Sailor Moon


Itโ€™s only natural that Sailor Moon, the titular character, takes the top spot as the strongest character in the series. Yet even with her power, you often see Sailor Moon try to avoid fighting when she can, due to her pacifist nature and general dislike of violence. Luckily, Sailor Moonโ€™s strengths focus more on restoration, healing, and purification than they do on combat, although sheโ€™s more than capable of holding her own in a fight.

Since she becomes Sailor Cosmos, she has the power to manipulate time and reality. Even before she reaches that point, Sailor Moon proves that her ability to purify and heal is strong enough to restore Sailor Galaxia to her true form and even revive the dead. With the power to heal and her caring nature, itโ€™s no wonder Crystal Tokyo became prosperous.

That covers our ranking, but what do you think? Who would you place in the top spot, and whose abilities would you have liked to see more of in Sailor Moon?