Studio Ghibli's Whisper of the Heart Releases Sequel's First Trailer

Studio Ghibli has produced some of the greatest anime films of all time, and the team there has dabbled with romance more than once. In fact, back in 1995, Whisper of the Heart took audiences by surprise with its wholistic take on young love. After nearly 30 years, the hit film is ready to carry on with a sequel, and the project's first trailer has finally gone live.

If you did not know, the studio approved a live-action sequel to Whisper of the Heart, and fans have kept a close eye on the project since it was announced. After all, fans who grew up with the film are curious about how Shizuku and Seiji are doing in the movie's wake. Many wondered if the couple would stick together, and this reel shows the two beating the odds.

The trailer goes on to show this sequel takes place 10 years after Shizuka and Seiji saw one another. Now older and a bit wiser, the two are still in touch by way of hand-written letters, and a reunion in person is just around the corner. Clearly, any fan of Whisper of the Heart is eager to see how the couple tracks in this sequel, and they will find out themselves in October. The live-action sequel is slated to hit Japan ahead of Halloween as well as the opening of Studio Ghibli's theme park come November.

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If you have not seen Whisper of the Heart, you can find the original '90s film streaming on HBO Max. The film's synopsis can be read below for more details:

"A chance encounter with a mysterious cat sends Shizuku, a quiet schoolgirl, on a quest for her true talent. Together with Seiji, a boy determined to follow his dreams, and enchanted by The Baron, a magical cat figurine who helps her listen to the whispers of her heart, Shizuku embarks on a life-changing adventure that takes her beyond the boundaries of her imagination."

Would you like to check out this sequel? How do you think Whisper of the Heart should handle this comeback? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB.