The Simpsons has been one of the longest running television series on the air, animated or otherwise. First debuting in 1987 as a part of The Tracey Ullman Show, Spingfield’s most popular family would go on to receive their own series that is still running strong to this day. With no sign of stopping any time soon, it looks as though one of the key cast members of the series is exiting the train before it reaches the station. While the actor leaving might not be responsible for Homer, Marge, Maggie, Bart, or Lisa, they are sure to be missed when it comes to Springfield’s colorful cast of characters.
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Hulu announced earlier today that actor Pamela Hayden, who plays the part of Milhouse Van Houten, is departing the long-running animated series. Playing the role for over thirty-five years, Hayden has helped bring one of the funniest characters to life in The Simpsons for decades. Milhouse has long been a “punching bag” of the series, acting as best friend to Bart and harboring a not-so-secret crush on Lisa. As of the writing of this article, it has yet to be revealed whether a new actor will be taking on the role or if Milhouse might have seen his last days with the arrival of the next episode.
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THRILLHO: Milhouse And More Depart
Pamela Hayden not only plays the part of Milhouse, but she also has voiced Jimbo Jones, Rod Flanders, and Todd Flanders. Hayden has certainly earned her retirement from the series at this point and she will be gravely missed when it comes to the overall cast. Luckily, Hulu was more than willing to record a new video with Hayden to talk about her time with The Simpsons along with the inspiration behind voicing some of Spingfield’s biggest characters over the years.
The Simpsons’ Recasts
Milhouse, Rod, Todd, and Jimbo are far from the only Simpsons’ characters that have seen a recast over the years. As it stands, we’ve seen the likes of Dr. Hibbert, Carl Carlson, Martin Prince, and Lunch Lady Doris receive new voices for various reasons. As it stands, The Simpsons is on its thirty-fifth season and has already been renewed for its thirty-sixth, though there has been no word on whether a thirty-seventh is in the works. It highlights the longevity of the series that it has been able to remain a household favorite for so long.
In a recent interview with People Magazine, voice actor Hank Azaria, who has been a long-time fixture of the series, didn’t expect season thirty-six to be the end. During the interview, Azaria mulled over the grand finale of the series, “I wonder about that, too. You know, we’re doing Seasons 35 and 36. I would guess that it would probably go to 40. It seems to be doing well.”
Thanks to Fox being acquired by Disney in recent years, The Simpsons have explored some wild new territory. We have seen Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, Maggie, and the rest of Springfield interacting not only with classic Disney characters in unique shorts but also having crossovers with the Marvel and Star Wars’ universes. Should the series continue for future seasons, Spingfield fans are sure to see more crossovers arrive down the line thanks to the success previous crossovers have seen on Disney+.
Want to see what the future holds for Spingfield’s finest? Follow along with Team Anime on for the latest updates on The Simpsons and hit me up directly @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and Simpsons references.