Last night at Meltdown Comics, DC Entertainment announced that a comic book series based on the 1966 Batman TV series starring Adam West and Burt Ward will be coming this summer.Okay, so maybe “announced” is too strong a term–but as you can see from the image at right, there was a DC Comics presence at the event, along with what looks like five panels or possibly covers from the series.It’s difficult to tell from the shot who drew those–although stylistically it looks a bit like Chris Samnee or Darwyn Cooke. Samnee, of course, provided the cover for Adventures of Superman #1, the digital-first Superman anthology coming soon from the publisher.That’s the most likely format for a project like this–a digital-first, weekly series not unlike Smallville Season Eleven or Arrow, which could be made available to as wide an audience as possible through Apple before being released as a hard copy at the end of every month.DC has not yet responded to a request for a comment, but their blog does currently promise more Batman: The Classic TV Series swag to be announced today and tomorrow.
Batman 1966 TV Series Comic Book Coming This Summer
Last night at Meltdown Comics, DC Entertainment announced that a comic book series based on the […]