, the 8-bit Android and iOS game being offered from Valiant Entertainment in concert with the release of the Harbinger Wars comic book miniseries, will feature a number of late ’80s/early ’90s effects, according to CEO and Chief Creative Officer Dinesh Shamdasani.In describing the game, Valiant panelists said that there were a number of things that they did to specifically make sure it felt like an NES game released during that time. For instance, they said, when characters jump, their feet continue to move as though they’re walking.Apparently the game developers tried to “fix” that, thinking that it looked silly, and after it had been fixed, Valiant asked that they re-break it, since it lent the game a dated, tongue-in-cheek feel.Shamdasani also implied that the Konami code, made famous in games like Contra during the NES era, will come into play in the game. So, as he suggested, try it the first time you play…
C2E2: The Konami Code Will Work For Valiant’s Harbinger Wars Game
Harbinger Wars: Planet Death, the 8-bit Android and iOS game being offered from Valiant […]