There’s a piece of ancient, Hebrew wisdom by which I try to live my life. The phrase is “מעולם לא קרא את פתיל התגובות,” and it means “Never read the comments thread.”Many of our readers, having had their questions or concerns answered here and on social media, know that I’m not always great at living by that maxim, which is how I came to find one of those rare comments threads that really brightened the day this morning.After DC Entertainment Co-Publisher Dan DiDio told fans on Facebook that he and Ethan Van Sciver were working on a Bat-Cow story for the upcoming Batman Incorporated Special–one he said they planned to milk for all it was worth–it inspired a long line of fans and comics professionals to respond with similarly terrible puns.The thread contains (so far) almost none of the negativity (or off-topic demands that DiDio pay attention to whatever publishing initiative or character a fan is obsessed with) that you would expect from the Internet. It’s just pure, dumb fun. Here’s a sampling, with names withheld because we didn’t ask anybody to do this:
Dan DiDio on Bat-Cow: The Best Fan Responses
There’s a piece of ancient, Hebrew wisdom by which I try to live my life. The phrase is […]