DC Collectibles will make a rare foray into the world of Milestone with a new Static Shock figure, available next summer, the publisher announced on Friday.
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The DC Comics Icons Static Shock figure features a Denys Cowan design and a sculpt by Amos Hemsley, according to the company.
You can see the full image in the image below.
The DC Comics Icons Static Shock figure is coming in Summer of 2016 from #DCCollectibles. pic.twitter.com/LJlBCafPds
— DC Comics (@DCComics) November 13, 2015
Milestone Media is expected to rejoin DC Comics in a big way in 2016, with original content coming both from original Milestone creators and from faces new to the imprint.
Static Shock, meanwhile, has long been considered the most valuable IP in the Milestone library. DC is rumored to be developing a webseries based on the character, who was the only Milestone hero to come to the New 52 when it first launched in 2011.