
Deathlok Action Figure Announced–Without His Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Logo

Just in time for the character to appear on Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Hasbro announced […]

Just in time for the character to appear on Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Hasbro announced today Deathlok will be featured in one of the next two waves of Hasbro’s Marvel Infinite Series 3.75″ action figure line.Both he and Ares were listed among the Wave 2 toys, with prototypes pictured on the Hasbro site and on display at Toy Fair, but fans on the Toy Ark blog are saying that a Hasbro panelist cautioned those two may be delayed until Wave 3. No reason is given.Apparently in the interest of further Marvel Cinematic Universe synergy, the Steve Rogers: Super Soldier costume will see the light of day in Wave 2, meaning that the costume upon which the Captain America: The Winter Soldier look was based will have its own toy, right at the same time the Captain America: The Winter Soldier toys are still in stores.