
Extant Series Premiere Recap With Spoilers

Extant opens with a shot of a spaceship flying the air, which turns out to be a children’s toy. […]

Extant opens with a shot of a spaceship flying the air, which turns out to be a children’s toy. Cut to A woman being sick in her bathroom. The boy who was playing with the toy spaceship peeks in through the bathroom door and asks the woman, his mother, if she’s too sick to come to the party. The woman, Molly Woods, says she’s fine, that it’s just her body readjusting.

At said party, a “welcome home” party, Molly is discussing her 13 months away with her friends until she hears a commotion involving some children. She and her husband, John Woods, run over to find their son, Ethan, pinned on top of another boy. John scolds Ethan, who says that the other boy wouldn’t give him the ball, and makes Ethan apologize before apologizing to the boy’s parents himself. Everyone returns to the party.

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After the party, Molly and John are cleaning up. John offers to take the trash out for Molly, but Molly wants to get back into the routine. As Molly takes the trash outside, she sees someone standing down the road, but the figure quickly disappears.

John is putting Ethan to bed, but revisiting the event at the party earlier. John asks how Ethan would have felt if he had hurt the boy, and Ethan says bad. Ethan says things are different with his mother, but John just says she needs time to get used to be back from “up there.” Ethan says he think she needs to be flipped. He lays on his stomach and John opens up a hidden compartment in the small of his back. He says that Ethan was right and pulls out a battery-like device, replacing it with another that was on Ethan’s dresser. As John leaves, Ethan asks for him to leave the nightlight on and John does.

Molly and is taking a shower. John joins her and they kiss.

Molly looks in on Ethan, then glances at the mobile of the solar system hanging above him. She goes into another room and pulls a book of the shelf. Inside is an image of her with another man, both dressed as astronauts. John enters the room and asks what brought this on. Molly says it was a dream. John says he still thinks of Marcus sometimes, and how if he hadn’t died they wouldn’t have met, wouldn’t be a couple, and wouldn’t have Ethan. Mollys says she believes we always end up where we’re supposed to be.

John and Ethan are making a trip to the Yasumoto Company so that John can give a presentation about Ethan. He explains to Ethan that he’s going to have to explain how he originated, but that doesn’t make him not real. They are greeted by a woman named Julie, who Ethan embraces enthusiastically.

Holly is meeting with her doctor. The doctor clarifies the details of Holly’s mission to make sure that Holly was alone for the entire 13 months. Holly says she was. The doctor says tells Molly that, inexplicably, she is pregnant.

The scene cuts to flashback of Molly on mission in space. Molly is working with plants, trying to figure out why something is wrong with them. She received a video message from John and Ethan telling her that Ethan got into school, but the message is cut off by a solar flare just before the station goes dark. Molly begins checking the station and gets the power back on. Through a window in door, she can see Marcus standing in plain clothes. In the window’s condensation he writes the words “HELP ME” with his finger.

In the present day, Molly and the doctor are trying to figure out how she got pregnant. Molly says she’s never been able to even get pregnant. The doctor, Sam, asks if she was taking the fertility drugs, but she says she stopped taking those before Ethan. Molly begs Sam to delay her report long enough for her to try to figure things out.

John is giving his presentation. He discusses how his Humanics program is designed to create and artificial intelligence that seeks out human connection, bringing the human touch to a society dominated by robotics. He introduces Ethan.

Molly is looking at an “in memorium” photo of an astronaut named Harmon Kryger. She’s greeted by new Deputy Director Kern, who asks about Kryger. Molly says they were close. Kern says it was a tragic situation. He notes her incredible thoroughness in her logs, but that there is a gap. Molly says its easily explained, but Kern says they’ll wait for Director Sparks.

John is fielding questions after his presentation. Things become contentious when he is asked about a contingency plan in case of a “robot uprising.” He says none, that the humanics have to be taught like children and treated as people and that he doesn’t believe in such thing as a soul that sets organic humans in any way apart from a humanic.

Kern and Sparks are asking Molly about a 13-hour gap in her logs. Power was out. Molly explains that she couldn’t’ get communications back on, but “Ben,” the onboard computer, eventually started itself back up. Kern questions why there’s no security footage from camera on board, and Molly says she was trying to make a copy and accidently deleted the footage. Sparks seems unbothered, and tells Molly she’ll need to undergo some psychiatric evaluations, new protocol after what happened with Harmon Kryger.

Sparks goes to another room where a man is being taken out of some sort of status chamber. Sparks welcomes back Mr. Yasumoto. Sparks tells Yasumoto that there’s been another incident like Kryger’s involving a solar flare and that he doesn’t believe Molly accidently deleted the footage. Yasumoto says this could be everything. Sparks says that Molly’s husband was denied funding by Yasumoto’s companies and suggests that a gesture from him could bring them closer and make her easier to keep an eye on.

John, Molly and Ethan finish building a model of the Seraphim, Molly’s station, just as John gets a call from Yasumoto Corporation. He returns to the company and enters a room full of ancient artifacts. He meets Mr. Yasumoto.

Ethan is looking in a mirror, seemingly practicing facial expressions. Molly finds him and tells him she has a mission for him, which involves searching for something.

John continues explaining his harmonics program to Yasumoto, including that he and Molly are infertile and that’s why he chose to try bringing Ethan into their home. Yasumoto says that his corporation can’t be involved with the project, but that he could invest personally.

Molly and Ethan are eating ice cream in the park. A man gives molly a balloon with a message, paid for by someone who has already left the park. The message says he knows what happened to Molly and will contact her soon. Molly tries to leave in a hurry and makes Ethan drop his ice cream. When she refuses to buy another one, he gets angry and runs off. She chases after him, but he runs into the woods. She finds him staring at a dead bird. He says it was like that when he found it and says Molly’s hair looks pretty.

At home, Molly argues with John about Ethan, saying that Ethan has changed and seems to hate her. John says Ethan loves her and that she’s just not trying hard enough to reconnect. Molly says Ethan’s not capable of love. John tells her he got the funding from Yasumoto.

In another flashback, we see Molly burning her hand on a lamp, but she still sees Marcus outside. She connects a camera to her chest and sets it to record before she opens the door. Marcus, unaffected by the zero gravity, steps inside and says “hello” and “help.” Molly asks what she can do. Marcus says “do” and touches her face. Molly says it’s okay and Marcus traces a line down to her stomach. She reaches out to touch him and he says it’s okay. They move closer together as Molly starts crying.

The next day, John apologizes to Molly, but Molly says he didn’t say anything untrue. She congratulates him and they make up.

Molly attends her first psychiatric evaluation. The psychiatrist says she believes the lack of psychiatric evaluation contributed to Kryger’s suicide. Sparks and Yasumoto are watching and listening remotely.

Another flashback shows Molly waking up and watching the playback of her video. She sees no one in the video. She looks at the security camera footage and sees only herself. She deletes the footage.

Back in the present, at home, Molly takes the trash out and again sees a figure. This time the man approaches, and she recognizes him as Harmon Kryger. He says he’s real, that it’s not like the Seraphim, that she’s not hallucinating. He gets nervous and when John calls for dinner he says he’ll contact her, tells her not to trust anybody, and leaves.