
Game Of Thrones Season 6 Trailer Released Online

HBO has released the first trailer for Game of Thrones Season 6.Game of Thrones Season 6 will […]

HBO has released the first trailer for Game of Thrones Season 6.

Game of Thrones Season 6 will continue HBO’s tale of epic fantasy and intrigue. This season sees the return of Bran Stark, who – through training with the mysterious Three-Eyed Crow – can now use his special gifts to see into the past present and future of Westeros.

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With the fall of Stannis Baratheon, the war for the Iron Throne would appear to be over, but there are still threats to King Tommen’s reign. Will the death of Princess Myrcella spur the Throne to war with Dorne? And what of the High Sparrow and his growing army of the faithful?

Across the Narrow Sea, Daenerys Targaryen has literally flown from the city of Meereen, leaving Tyrion Lannister to rule in her stead. Can he maintain the piece while Jorah Mormont and Daario Naharis continue to search? Meanwhile, in Braavos, Arya Stark finds herself blind. Can she continue her training as a Faceless Man?

In the North, the Boltons still sit at Winterfell, but Sansa Stark and Theon Greyjoy have slipped through their fingers. With Brienne searching for the true heir to the seat of House Stark, plus the remnants of House Stark’s loyal bannermen and the forces of the Greyjoys massing, can the Boltons maintain their claim? And what of the every growing threat of the White Walkers beyond the Wall?

And of course, the question on every fans lips – what is the true fate of Jon Snow?

Game of Thrones Season 6 premieres April 24 on HBO.