While the Green Lantern family of titles hadn’t rebooted in quite the same way that most of DC’s other books did after Flashpoint, and they (along with the Batman titles) were allowed to keep much of their history, that history was still shortened and altered, accounting for the fact that when heroes hadn’t been around long enough to die, clearly Blackest Night played out a little differently, etc.One of the things that was widely assumed to be scrapped was Guy Gardner’s turn as Warrior, the war-painted hero who drank from a mystical fountain and came to be aware that he was in fact descended of the last Vuldarians, a powerful but generally peaceful race who had been wiped out by war-crazed invaders.
Green Lantern Corps Brings Guy Gardner: Warrior Back
While the Green Lantern family of titles hadn’t rebooted in quite the same way that most of DC’s […]