While DC Comics characters have been spotlighted in animated features, shorts and series over the years, most of the focus has been on high profile characters such as Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman. News has come that their universe and spotlight are going to be expanding with a new line of Warner Home Video animated projects coming up, and a certain cowboy will be joining their ranks: Jonah Hex!The project will be part of a new line of features coming from Warner Bros. Animation and while details as to what other characters will see an animated feature, Jonah Hex has been confirmed as part of that next wave of characters with Joe R. Lansdale, known for his noted work in the fields of Westerns, sci-fi and horror writing, as well as working on Batman: The Animated Series.He is also a seven-time winner of the Bram Stoker Award, which recognizes excellence in horror writing.While Jonah Hex is no stranger to animation, having appeared in a couple of DC animated series over the years, this is his first solo venture.A feature film of his adventures with Megan Fox and Josh Brolin certainly isn’t hurting the move to an animated solo adventure, but details on the overall project and its focus as still unknown at this time!
Jonah Hex to get Animated in new Feature!
While DC Comics characters have been spotlighted in animated features, shorts and series over the […]