
Joss Whedon On Why Planet Hulk Might Not Work

Will we get a standalone Hulk movie or won’t we? It’s the question on everyone’s mind ever […]

Will we get a standalone Hulk movie or won’t we? It’s the question on everyone’s mind ever since Mark Ruffalo took the role of the Jade Giant and nobody is relenting. The theory was for a long time that at the end of Avengers: Age Of Ultron, we would see something hinting towards a Planet Hulk film, but director Joss Whedon thinks that might not be the best thing.

When asked about the character, in an interview with IGN, here’s what Whedon had to say about the character.

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“I always think that there are basically two Hulks. There’s horror movie Hulk and superhero movie Hulk. In the first film we got a taste of both and it really has to do with Banner’s attitude about who he is when he turns into the Hulk. And since the movie begins with the team together, the first thing we see is superhero Hulk, who has a level of cogency that makes him still useful and he isn’t just swatting things madly. But then, once the Scarlet Witch gets done with him, we get to see a vision of him that we have never seen before where he is completely out of control. And also clearly in a lot of pain. It was kind of beautiful to be able to go that far with him.”

When pressed on why there aren’t any plans for a stand alone Hulk movie, Whedon was more than candid with his response.

“Honestly I think it’s a legal thing. I think it’s because there’s other studio rights and this and that. It’s difficult. Hulk movies are very difficult because it isn’t a classic superhero story. It is more of a werewolf story, and finding a way to thread both of those makes if difficult. But I think it has more to do with the boring issues… because they love the Hulk and they love Mark as much as I do.”

It’s interesting to note that the Universal aspect of the Hulk’s rights continue to be a roadblock to any real plans that Marvel may or may not want to pursue with the character. However, if there is one thing Whedon is fairly certain on, its that a Planet Hulk is not the right offramp to take when they get to it.

“It [Planet Hulk] absolutely could be put onscreen. I don’t know if it should. I think part of what makes the Hulk great is the world around him and the Banner of it. And it would be mad expensive as well. I think if they were going to do a Hulk movie, they’d want to keep it more grounded.”

What do you think readers? Do you agree with Whedon’s view of the Green Goliath? Let us know in the comments below!