, the upcoming, Zack Snyder-directed reboot of the Superman film franchise, will be rated PG-13 by the Motion Picture Association of America, reports Comic Book Movie.The film takes the PG-13 rating “for intense sequences of sci-fi violence, action and destruction, and for some language.The rating itself isn’t much of a surprise, given that virtually every superhero movie made in the last ten years has carried a PG-13 rating. The first four Superman feature films were all PG-rated, but even Superman Returns, which strove to recreate the tone and feeling of those original movies, was PG-13.The rating does indicate that post-production on the movie is likely either complete, or in the final stages, with those “sequences of sci-fi violence, action and destruction” fully-enough realized for the MPAA to feel comfortable making a final decision.
Man of Steel To Be Rated PG-13
Man of Steel, the upcoming, Zack Snyder-directed reboot of the Superman film franchise, will be […]