Earlier this month, DC Comics revealed that they were rolling out a batch of variant covers celebrating 75 years of Superman, scheduled to be pushed out with June’s Superman Unchained #1 by Scott Snyder and Jim Lee.Today, the publisher revealed the full images over at Newsarama, complete with trade dress and prices, which showcase the fact that each of the comics will feature period-accurate trade dress, complete with different DC logos and decade-appropriate fonts.We’ve included a couple of examples below and at right, with Dan Jurgens’s ’90s variant, on which the hero sports the controversial Mullet of Steel, being our personal favorite…except for one little detail.At the time those creators were working on Superman, there were multiple monthly titles and there was some concern on the part of editorial (and probably retailers, as well) that fans would be confused and unable to follow three or four different books with different numbering. The idea of transitioning from one book to the other each week was the status quo at the time and not considered an “event” for the Superman (and Batman) books.
Superman Unchained Variants Get Period-Accurate Trade Dress
Earlier this month, DC Comics revealed that they were rolling out a batch of variant covers […]