
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Viral Site Hints at Electro’s Origins

Back when Arrow was building up to the first appearance of Barry Allen and the revelation that […]
Amazing Spider-Man 2

Back when Arrow was building up to the first appearance of Barry Allen and the revelation that The Flash was coming, news reports frequently playing in the background frequently seeded the idea of a S.T.A.R. Labs particle accelerator experiment in progress in Central City.There was a lot of loaded, sometimes ominous terminology that made it clear to those paying attention that the particle accelerator was likely an accident waiting to happen — albeit one we’d be happy to see, since it would mean the birth of the Scarlet Speedster.Now, the crew behind The Amazing Spider-Man 2‘s Daily Bugle Tumblr have done something very similar: a purported interview with a standoffish Oscorp executive who tells the reporter that “the city is going to get a night it will never forget” when Oscorp’s new power plant opens on April 16, the film’s very first opening day in a few international markets before it goes wide all over the world on April 17 and finally releases in the U.S. on the first Friday in May.Prior to that, what sounds very much like a wink-and-a-nod to Max Dillon, the man who will become Electro, makes its way into the piece:

DB: After the trouble with Dr. Connors, has Oscorp taken extra steps to monitor the people responsible for designing and building the plant?Menken: The problems we had with Dr. Connors won’t happen again. The Oscorp Electromagnetic Power Plant is the result of multiple departments within the company. Hundreds of dedicated employees are involved, not a single genius.DB: So the plant is not, as sources indicate, based primarily on the designs of a single brilliant, if slightly eccentric, electrical engineer?Menken: We are all links in the Oscorp chain, Joy, working together. Oscorp prides itself on functioning as a team, and that’s the story to tell about the new power plant.

Surely he won’t take that interview well; based on what we’ve seen in promotional materials, Max is a bit needy and desperate for recognition…

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