Here it is, folks! The new Super Bowl ad from Priceline features Kaley Cuoco of The Big Bang Theory as the daughter of the Priceline Negotiator, in action alongside her father, portrayed by legendary Star Trek actor William Shatner.”Sunday’s commercials are all about star-studded spots and new looks for brands,” said‘s Chief Marketing Officer Brett Keller. “This is the perfect platform to showcase two highly successful celebrities within the same ad. It’s not something you see every day.”In the new ad, Cuoco firmly establishes herself as the new, gentler, force to be reckoned with when it comes to saving travelers money on hotel rooms. On her first mission, despite urgings from Shatner to overpower their mark with some heavy-handed tactics (“Use the stun gun! Get the grappling hook!”), Cuoco instead introduces him to Express Deals, a service where customers don’t have to bid and can get quality hotel rooms with guaranteed amenities like a pool, gym or restaurant at savings of up to 45% over published rates.
The Big Bang Theory’s Kaley Cuoco and William Shatner’s Super Bowl Ad Online
Here it is, folks! The new Super Bowl ad from Priceline features Kaley Cuoco of The Big Bang […]