
The Walking Dead Recap With Spoilers: Spend

The “Spend” episode of The Walking Dead is directed by Jennifer Lynch. The “Spend” […]

The “Spend” episode of The Walking Dead is directed by Jennifer Lynch. The “Spend” episode of The Walking Dead airs on Sunday, March 15, 2014 at 8 PM ET on AMC.

According to the description for “Spend,” while trying to secure a new home, Rick and his group face challenges, and question the utopia they find themselves in. How accurate is that description? Find out below as we’ll be updating live as season 5’s 14th episode of The Walking Dead airs at 9 PM EST.

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Father Gabriel walks into a garage holding a piece of wax paper. He puts it into a Bible then notices strawberries addressed to him from Rosemary. He tears a piece of paper from the Bible and wipes the wax paper off then tears more pages out, frantically, before slamming the Bible shut.

The gate to the community slides open and Daryl enters on his new bike followed by Aaron’s red car. Reg talks to Noah in a gazebo. Noah wants to meet with him the mornings to learn how to “build things.” Noah thinks the walls could fall and would like to reinforce them and build new houses and buildings. Reg asks Noah if he’s in it for the long hall and Noah responds positively.

Reg talks out a notepad and says he “writes everything down.” He closes it and gives it to Noah with a pen and tells him he should take note of everything that happens in this place and everything he’ll teach him about building.

Abraham looks at himself in the mirror and washes his hands while Rosita sleeps. Outside, Noah offers Eugene a gun but Eugene doesn’t want it. Eugene says he will find the right equipment when Aiden doubts him. Noah hands Eugene the gun and he takes it. Tara jokes with Noah about him talking to Holly.

Aiden tells Deanna and Reg (his parents) that they’re ready to go. Maggie encourages Glenn before his trip and they kiss goodbye. Reg tells Glenn the power grid was a prototype but Glenn is confident that they’ll get it back online. Aiden hurries him and Deanna thanks him, once more.

Music blares in the van as Glenn, Nicholas, Noah, Tara, Eugene, and Aiden leave the safe zone for supplies. Deanna, Reg, and Father Gabriel look on. In Jessie’s garage, she picks up scarps of her owl sculpture. Rick asks what happened but she doesn’t know. Jessie assures Rick this kind of stuff doesn’t happen and Rick asks her if she has enemies. He makes a few jokes then says he’ll ask around. Rick tells her it’s important to enforce the rules to keep society intact. 

Glenn, Nicholas, Noah, Tara, Eugene, and Aiden ready themselves outside the van. Our survivors want to be more prepared than Aiden and Nicholas are. Noah shoots an incoming walker and Aiden compliments him. The group performs a perimeter check and kills a couple walkers.

Eugene talks to Tara about his non-readiness to be outside and in danger. Eugene thinks he has pulled his weight because he got the group to DC and Tara says that’s not true, but instead the group got him there. Eugene insists it is him that lead the group there in the first place and ultimately reiterates the fact that he is a coward.

Noah and Glenn check their area out. They find a horde of walkers around the front on the other side of a fence, which was originally Nicholas’ escape plan. The group gathers at a door and tries to attract the walkers. Glenn wants to be cautious but Aiden wants to move inside. The group moves in and closes the door behind them, using flashlights to see inside the warehouse.

The group pauses at the sound of walkers. Glenn says they’re stuck behind something before finding a massive pack at a fence. Aiden admits Glenn knows his stuff. It’s Eugene’s turn now to do his job. He leads Tara to a box labeled “Micro-Inverter” and she cuts it open and informs the others, “we found them!”

A walker approaches Aiden from behind with protective gear on. Aiden tries to shoot it down but can’t penetrate the armor. Glenn yells for Aiden to stop but he doesn’t and ends up shooting and triggering a bomb on the walker’s gear.

The group tries to stand up after the explosion. Aiden was impaled by a shelf behind him and Glenn says he’s dead. Noah and Glenn find one another then find a scared Eugene standing over an unconscious Tara bleeding from her head. A walker approaches Eugene and he has no choice but to shoot it. He’s shaky and doesn’t fire and is tackled by another walker. Glenn and Noah climb through the shelves and save him.

Carol looks in a closet to find Sam and asks what he’s doing there. He tells her he didn’t tell anyone about the guns and asks if she has anymore cookies. She tells him they’re gone and to go home. He tells her his power is out and someone broke his statue but Carol tells him that these aren’t problems and to get out. Sam wants more cookies and wants to learn how to make them. Carol says if he wants cookies he’ll have to steal the chocolate from Olivia and if he gets caught he won’t like the consequences.

Eugene, Noah, Nicholas and Glenn evaluate Tara. Eugene wants to hurry. Aiden is alive while stuck on the shelf. Nicholas wants to leave him but Eugene says they should go save him. Glenn leads Noah and Nicholas to try and retrieve Aiden. Nicholas uses a flare to distract the horde of walkers.

Abraham and other Alexandria residents collect supplies for the wall. One worker asks if Abraham can hang tight because he needs to send a fax to Cleveland a.k.a. use the bathroom. Abraham nods and observes birds flying overhead as the man walks away. He turns around and starts having a panic attack it seems like before hearing gun shots and jumps in to help stop an impending horde of walkers. Tobin orders everyone back. Abraham goes forward to save a fallen Francine. They’re trapped and he directs her into one of the construction trucks, closing the door behind her and feeling trapped from all sides by the approaching horde.

Abraham crawls under the truck and guns down walkers that crawl after him. Francine opens the door and Abraham tosses her his gun. The two take down walkers one after another. One of the construction workers bravely goes to help him, surprising the rest.

Pete enters Rick’s house and offers a beer which Rick declines. Rick says he wishes he could’ve helped out more with the sculpture but Pete says it “was just an owl,” and goes on to say he’s sorry for Rick losing his wife. He tells Rick that despite what it looks like, the members of Alexandria have lost things, too. Rick tells him his people see it. Pete tells Rick he should bring his kids in for a check-up then gets close to Rick’s face and tells him they should be friends because they have to and leaves with an aggressive tap on the shoulder. Rick closes the door upon his exit and then looks at his wedding ring.

Eugene stands over unconscious Tara and tells her he takes no responsibility because he warned everyone but they didn’t listen. He puts Tara over his shoulder and tries to carry her out of the warehouse, gunning down walkers on the way.

Glenn and Nicholas try to pull Aiden off of the shelf as Noah guns down walkers. Nicholas tells Aiden that he “left him,” and that’s “who we are,” and leaves. Glenn stays with Aiden. Aiden tells Glenn that he and Nicholas panicked, not the others, then is devoured by walkers.

Abraham asks Tobin if they leave people behind to die. Tobin tells Abraham they have a system and Francine punches Tobin in the face. The other man wants to leave but Francine and Abraham choose to stay until the sun goes down and the rest of the group will, too. They have a wall to build. 

Glenn and Noah chase down Nicholas. The three get trapped in a rotating door by walkers, Nicholas on one side, Glenn and Noah on the other. In Deanna’s living room, Deanna, Reg, and Maggie talk with Tobin. Tobin tells Deanna that if Abraham followed his orders, Francine would be dead. Reg tells Tobin that saving someone’s life doesn’t qualify him to lead the crew. Tobin admit that Abraham is still out there and leading better than he ever could. Deanna concludes that it’s settled and she’ll speak to Abraham when he gets back. Tobin thanks her and tells her that she won’t regret it. Maggie assures Deanna that Abraham is qualified. Deanna tells Maggie that putting one her people in a position of power and hearing how good they are from her is becoming a pattern.

Sam knocks on Carol’s door. He has chocolate. Carol lets him in and they bake cookies. She tells him when they’re done he can’t come back. Sam asks if she was always a good cook but Carol says they’re not talking and tells him to wipe the counter. Sam tries again to talk about cooking but Carol dismisses it. Sam says they don’t have to be friends he just doesn’t want it to be quiet. Carol says that cooking made her forget she was sad and Sam says that when he gets sad he breaks stuff. Carol asks if he broke the owl statue and why. Sam replies by asking why she stole the guns. Carol tells him sometimes you need to protect yourself. Sam asks for a gun. Carol asks why. Sam says its not for him. Carol asks who its for. Sam scampers off.

Nicholas, Glenn and Noah try to come up with a plan to get out of the rotating door.  Eugene pulls up with music blaring and sounds the horn to distract the walkers. Glenn and Noah are relieved. Glenn is going to break the glass but Nicholas pushes the door open and tries to escape. Walkers grab Noah’s leg and pull him into the horde. Glenn looks on as Noah presses his face to the glass and gets devoured by the horde.

Eugene drives the van around the back of the warehouse. Nicholas runs up and tells him to move over bu Eugene steps up and asks where his friends are. He tries to pull his gun out but Nicholas throws him to the ground. Glenn pulls Nicholas out of the van beats him unconsciously and asks Eugene to help get him in the back. Eugene asks where Noah is.

Carol knocks on Pete’s door. She asks if Sam is okay and Pete suspiciously asks why he wouldn’t be. Carol asks to talk to Jessie but Pete says it’s not a good time as he closes the door. Eugene and Glenn drive back to Alexandria with Tara and Nicholas unconscious in the back.

Father Gabriel enters Deanna’s house and asks to speak privately. He tells her Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. He tells her the community is a paradise and Satan is inside the walls. He tells her she made a mistake allowing the others inside. Maggie is listening from the stairs and Gabriel doesn’t know. He goes on to say that Rick’s group is not good people. 

Carol tells Rick Pete is hitting Jessie and maybe Sam. Deanna tells Gabriel that Rick’s group did what they had to in order to survive but Gabriel tells her she’s wrong, they can’t be trusted. Abraham leads the construction crew. Gabriel tells Deanna that Rick and company will put themselves first and destroy the community. Rick asks Carol how she knows, but she implies that she just knows. Gabriel tells Deanna that the group doesn’t deserve paradise. Deanna thanks him and says she has a lot to think about. Gabriel says he wish he had come to her sooner and hopes it isn’t too late. Maggie looks angered on the staircase as Gabriel leaves. Deanna thinks about what he said as Glenn yells for help. Carol tells Rick she knows how it will go with Pete seeing as there’s only one way it can go- he’s going to have to kill him.