Since the first issue of X-Men in 1963, most of mutantkind has been divided between the philosophies of Professor Charles Xavier and Magneto: mutant-human coexistence and mutant superiority over humans. Xavier’s X-Men and Magneto’s Brotherhood of Mutants were united on the island-nation of Krakoa — but the Krakoan age is over. The next era began when Marvel’s line-wide X-Men relaunch established the two new pillars of the House of X: Cyclops and Rogue.
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With mutants again displaced across the globe and Xavier incarcerated as Inmate X for crimes against humanity by Warden Ellis (who converted Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters into a mutant prison), the X-Men have splintered.

In X-Men #1, by Jed MacKay and Ryan Stegman, Cyclops set up shop in a former Sentinel factory in Alaska as part of a settlement he reached with the U.S. government after being put on trial (see Scott Summers vs. The United States). Cyclops commands his own mutant strike team — Beast, Psylocke, Kid Omega, Temper, Magik, and the Juggernaut — under the oversight of Magneto, but their unsanctioned missions have caught the eye of O*N*E Agent Lundqvist.
Cyclops’ X-Men have been tracking aberrant adultX-Gene activations, first in Santo Marco and then San Francisco, to thwart potential mutant disasters triggered by the mysterious new villains Fourth School and 3K. Meanwhile, in Gail Simone and David Marquez’s Uncanny X-Men #1, Rogue, Gambit, and Wolverine sought refuge at an orphanage in Louisiana.
As the trio questioned whether there could be an X-Men without Charles, Scott, and ex-X-Man Kate Pryde, Rogue’s X-Men encountered the Outliers: four runaway young mutants whose ranks include the “Endling” foretold to destroy all mutantkind.
The two titles have intersected briefly: Cyclops called Rogue in Uncanny #1 and again in this week’s X-Men #3, telling her to “stand down” before the heated exchange ended in an abrupt hang up (the second half of the conversation will take place in September’s Uncanny X-Men #2). Upcoming issues put the X-Men’s pillars on a collision course as new solicitations reveal the budding conflict between Cyclops and Rogue will come to a head in December’s X-Men #8.
Below, see the official solicitations for a hint of what’s to come in new issues of X-Men and Uncanny X-Men:
Uncanny X-Men #2: September 11, 2024

WHOARE THE OUTLIERS? FROM THE ASHES continues as ROGUE, GAMBIT andWOLVERINE welcome a friend back, just in time to face fourUNCONTROLLABLE and WILD mutants in the swamps of Louisiana! But with themutant community disheartened and fractured, will even the UNCANNYX-MEN be enough to stop them? Something HUGE is starting, and it beginsRIGHT HERE!
X-Men #4: September 18, 2024

THEYKILL FOR KICKS & THEY KILL FOR CLICKS! “Hello, internet – it’s yourboy, Trevor Fitzroy! That’s right, Trevor Fitzroy and the Upstarts, outthere delivering the content you crave: livestreamed, bespoke, mutantmurder in high-def! And best of all, you, the viewers, are the onesrating the kills! So smash that like button, hit subscribe and tell uswho the number-one killer is!”
Uncanny X-Men #3: September 25, 2024

CATCHTHE ELF! When new, lethally powerful and completely untrained youngmutants show up on Rogue’s doorstep with no knowledge of how they gotthere, a grieving Rogue seeks to take Xavier’s place in guiding them tothe light… …while darkness from the past returns to destroy the X-Men,one at a time!
X-Men #5: October 2, 2024

Whilethe X-Men engage the social-media sociopath Upstarts, Kid Omega andPsylocke dive deep into the mind of a troubled mutant. Silence: PsychicRescue in Progress! But Quentin Quire has never been good at keeping hismouth shut…
Uncanny X-Men #4: October 16, 2024

Withone X-Man down and hell coming for the rest, ROGUE finds herself aloneagainst a power of darkness she is completely unprepared for. No backup,no lifeline and NO WAY OUT. And as she fights alone, a secret of thenew recruits is revealed – is one of them the ENDLING that will destroyall mutantkind?
X-Men #6: October 23, 2024

Whilethe X-Men attempt to unravel the globe-spanning conspiracy arrayedagainst them, Temper and Magik work to investigate one closer to home.Merle, Alaska, holds more secrets than just the ones kept within theFactory, and the two mutants must leave the safety of their headquartersand hit the streets for answers
X-Men #7: November 6, 2024

TheIron Night! What does the town of Merle, Alaska owe the X-Men? Wheredid the defunct Sentinel looming over the town come from? And moreimportantly, what was it after?
Uncanny X-Men #5: November 13, 2024

Thebrutal conclusion to the RED WAVE storyline is here! The Uncanny X-MENface an unstoppable force of evil and death who reveals a shockingsecret…but they may not survive long enough to face it! Will the nextgeneration of young mutants stand by Rogue and her team or join theother side?
Uncanny X-Men #6: November 27, 2024

It’sBACK TO SCHOOL for four young mutants… …But is a rural school inLouisiana READY for this crew? Bullies, terrible lunches and classroomflirting abound…but IS one of the student body the prophesied ENDLING,who will be the last member of mutantkind? Plus – Jubilee undertakes afateful solo mission!
X-Men #8: December 4, 2024

“RAID ON GRAYMALKIN” PART ONE! With one of their ownincarcerated, the X-Men move on Graymalkin Prison in order to free theirteammate. But it’s not just one team – in Alaska, Cyclops’ X-Menscramble a rescue mission, while in Louisiana, Rogue’s X-Men move tostrike out on their own sortie. Doctrinal rivals each with their ownobjective, will these two fractious teams find themselves atcross-purposes? After all…an “X” is made by two lines crossing.