Spider-Man is doomed. While the wall-crawler has died many times before — he’s been tortured to death by the sorcerer Kulan Gath (in Uncanny X-Men #191), pulverized by the Titan Terraxia (in Infinity Gauntlet #4), beaten to death by Morlun (in Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #3), and repeatedly resurrected and killed by Kindred (in Amazing Spider-Man #54), to name a few — Spider-Man will die again… and again… and again in The 8 Deaths of Spider-Man. The 10-part saga spans issues of Joe Kelly and artist Ed McGuinness’ The Amazing Spider-Man, which begins its new era in November following the final issue of Zeb Wells’ run.
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Below, read on for everything you need to know about The 8 Deaths of Spider-Man, and the events leading up to Amazing Spider-Man #61.

The sorcerer Doctor Strange, who has long invoked the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak as a spell, entered the demon’s domain — the Crimson Cosmos — for the first time in 1992’s Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #44. After an encounter with Cyttorak himself and the Ruby of Cyttorak that transformed Cain Marko into the nigh-unstoppable Juggernaut, the Sorcerer Supreme renounced the powers of the Principalities — Cyttorak, Denak, Faltine, Ikonn, Munipoor, Raggadorr, Seraphim, Satannish, Valtorr, Watoomb, and the Vishanti — in Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #49.
But Strange would later strike a deal with the dreaded god of destruction: Cyttorak would protect Earth from threats of the cosmos if Strange would renew his crimson Covenant every year. As Sorcerer Supreme, it was Strange’s duty to be the Covenant’s champion.

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After Strange’s physical form was struck down by a Varnae-possessed Blade during the Blood Hunt event, Strange’s astral form sought the help of the sorcerer Doctor Doom to banish the Darkforce that cast eternal night over the Marvel Universe. Doom convinced Strange to transfer to him the mantle of the Sorcerer Supreme to save the world, which he accepted with one condition: Doom’s oath to return Strange’s power upon performing the ritual closing the Darkforce Dimension. Sorcerer Supreme Doctor Doom cast out the dark, but then refused to relinquish the mantle as Earth’s new Sorcerer Supreme. “Let me show you what it means to save the world,” Doom said, setting up One World Under Doom in 2025.
Meanwhile, in a backup story by Kelly in September’s Moon Knight: Fist of Khonshu #0, Khonshu, god of the moon and vengeance, confronted Cyttorak about their pact and his Covenant. “Stephen Strange is a shade, felled by the undead. Are you still honorbound to keep your pledge to a ghost?” Khonshu asked. “What if he fails to regain corporeal form, and his successor ignores your treaties? What happens to the Crimson Cosmos? What becomes of your children?”
In a second prelude included in The Amazing Spider-Man #60, Sorcerer Supreme Doom selects his Champion. He considers candidates Steve Rogers, Thor, and T’Challa, but selects Spider-Man for his intelligence, selflessness, and ability to overcome superior foes while “suffering greatly.”
“Great suffering will be required in the works ahead,” Doom decides. “Spider-Man will be my Champion in the Covenant. He will fight, not for me, but for them. He will suffer for them. Spider-Man will die for them… and die again… and again… so says DOOM.”

As Doom’s delegate, the Sorcerer Supreme will grant Spider-Man a magic-powered suit of armor and eight extra lives to battle the Scions of Cyttorak, including Cyrios, Cyra, and Callix. The 8 Deaths of Spider-Man runs from Amazing Spider-Man #61-70, and leads into One World Under Doom in 2025.
8 Deaths of Spider-Man Reading Order
Moon Knight: Fist of Khonshu #0 (“Waxing Moon” prelude by Joe Kelly and Emilio Laiso)
Amazing Spider-Man #60 (“Ride’s Over” prelude by Joe Kelly and Mark Buckingham)
Amazing Spider-Man #61: 8 Deaths of Spider-Man Part 1

THE 8 DEATHS OF SPIDER-MAN BEGIN! The world has changed, Dcotor Doom is Sorcerer Supreme, but he has no plans to spend his time like his predecessor… Each year, Doctor Strange would use every ounce of his power and experience to save the world from an evil god and his scions. This year, Doom is delegating this task to… SPIDER-MAN?! The leader of Latveria has given Spider-Man a new, magic-powered suit and EIGHT EXTRA LIVES with which to save the world?! True Believer, they won’t be enough…
On sale: Nov. 13, 2024
Amazing Spider-Man #62: 8 Deaths of Spider-Man Part 2

THE 8 DEATHS OF SPIDER-MAN CONTINUE! Spider-Man, one death down, faces the next SCION OF CYTTORAK! That’s right, the god Spider-Man faces is the patron of JUGGERNAUT! Juggernaut is about ten times more powerful than Spider-Man with only a fraction of Cyttorak’s power! To quote a wise philosopher… “Uh-oh.”
On sale: Nov. 27, 2024
Amazing Spider-Man #63: 8 Deaths of Spider-Man Part 3

THE 8 DEATHS OF SPIDER-MAN CONTINUES! Spider-Man finds himself face-to-face with CYRIOS, SCION OF CYTORRAK! Cyrios represents the inevitability of time and takes Spider-Man on a heartbreaking tour through Peter Parker’s past AND future in excruciating detail. How many deaths will Spider-Man spend trying to alter his past and save his future?!
On sale: Dec. 11, 2024
Amazing Spider-Man #64: 8 Deaths of Spider-Man Part 4

THE 8 DEATHS OF SPIDER-MAN CONTINUES! Cytorrak’s most dangerous scion, CALLIX, and his deadly CRIMSON CANINES take their turn to inflict physical pain on Spider-Man. Spidey doesn’t have many deaths left to spend…
On sale: Dec. 25, 2024
Amazing Spider-Man #65: 8 Deaths of Spider-Man Part 5

THE 8 DEATHS OF SPIDER-MAN CONTINUES! Spider-Man has faced four Scions and is running out of extra lives. This issue’s scion, CYRA, represents the very power of Death Itself and makes Spider-Man watch everything he loves die. Can Spider-Man possibly withstand this punishment?
On sale: Jan. 8, 2025
Amazing Spider-Man #65.Deaths: 8 Deaths of Spider-Man

THE 8 DEATHS OF SPIDER-MAN CONTINUES! While Spider-Man is facing the Scion who wields the power of Death, the new EMBODIMENT of death, PHIL COULSON, gets to know his powers better. Phil has always been there to help heroes in every way he can, but can he help Spider-Man to save our universe?
On sale: Jan. 15, 2025
Amazing Spider-Man #66: 8 Deaths of Spider-Man Part 6

THE 8 DEATHS OF SPIDER-MAN CONTINUES! Spider-Man has been broken, and someone needs to pick up the pieces. Maybe an old flame? Now that the CHAMPION has fallen, can the universe withstand what comes next? Are there any who can stand in the way of an inevitable god?
On sale: Jan. 22, 2025

Amazing Spider-Man #67: 8 Deaths of Spider-Man Part 7 (TBA)
Amazing Spider-Man #68: 8 Deaths of Spider-Man Part 8 (TBA)
Amazing Spider-Man #69: 8 Deaths of Spider-Man Part 9 (TBA)
Amazing Spider-Man #70: 8 Deaths of Spider-Man Part 10 (TBA)