When Legends of Tomorrow returns for season 3 next week, the heroes aren’t going to be the only familiar faces. Damien Darhk (Neal McDonough) will be back as well with his new team, but according to showrunner Marc Guggenheim, fans shouldn’t expect another Legion of Doom.
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In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, the executive producer revealed that while Darhk is putting together a new cabal of villains, he’s not simply rebuilding his old band. This Damien Darhk is coming from a very different place.
“I would say that he’s definitely learned from all of his mistakes, because this is a Damien that is not only post-Legends season 2, it’s also a Damien that’s post-Arrow season 4.”
Fans may remember that Darhk died at the end of Arrow‘s fourth season and while the villain was a huge part of Legends‘ second season, it was thanks to him being pulled from a point in the timeline before his Arrow death by Eobard Thawne/Reverse Flash. At the end of the season, Darhk was returned to his prime timeline and given a memory wipe so he would never recall being part of the Legion of Doom.
How Darhk can be around post-Arrow seaosn 4 is something that fans will have to tune in for, much like they will have to watch and see why the villain decides to create a new group. Guggenheim said that explaining what Darhk’s motivations are would spoil the whole season.
“Oh. I can’t. Come on,” he said. “That’s the season. That would be like if a year ago I said, ‘Oh, the Legion of Doom want to get the Spear of Destiny so they can rewrite reality.’ Suffice it to say, he has a very specific plan and a very specific agenda, and part of the fun of the season, of course, is our slow reveal of what that is.”
Legends of Tomorrow returns to Tuesday nights at 9/8c, following new episodes of The Flash, on October 10th.