
League of Legends’ Swain is Next In Line for an Update

Swain is finally in line for his rework to come next with the battlemage added to the League of […]

Swain is finally in line for his rework to come next with the battlemage added to the League of Legends update schedule to confirm his impending update.

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The champion update schedule keeps up with who’s who in the world of reworks, and Swain is the latest outdated champion to join the lineup. He’s been teased in the past for big changes, and back in July, it was confirmed that he’d be updated once Evelynn’s overhaul was finished. While some might’ve forgotten about the Noxian leader since then โ€“ if not much longer before that โ€“ his time is coming now that Eve’s update is currently on the PBE for testing.

Swain’s kit is expected to be rebuilt pretty much from scratch to get the champion an entirely new way to stay in the thick of the battle. Riot Reav3 commented previously about Riot’s plans for Swain’s rework and said that he currently doesn’t live up to his “Master Tactician” title at the moment, and that his rework’s direction will likely be focused more on his health-draining mage identity as opposed to a tactical theme.

As far as who’s working on Swain’s rework, a full team will be devoted to the process, but the champion designer is 20thCenturyFaux. The champion designer has worked on Kha’Zix, LeBlanc, Brand, and Zyra in the past.

Aside from his ability changes and visual upgrades that are coming with his Visual and Gameplay Update, Swain’s lore will also be updated, a change that is quite a bit bigger than some League players would anticipate. As the leader of Noxus, Swain has direct ties with tons of other elements: Darius, Sion, LeBlanc, and more recently Urgot are just a couple of the champions that have their stories intertwined with Swain, not to mention all the rivaling factions that oppose Noxus. With his position as the head of an entire warring region, Swain’s update will definitely put Riot’s narrative-building team to work.

Previous updates have been separated by new champion releases, and with Evelynn’s update currently on the PBE for testing to release in the next patch, another new champion will likely come before Swain’s rework goes live.