Critical Role is heading to the Lone Star state for an upcoming live show. The popular web series announced that it would play a one-shot in Austin, Texas titled “The Adventures of the Darrington Brigade,” starring Sam Riegel’s Taryon Darrington from the show’s Vox Machina campaign. The new Critical Role Live one-shot will take place on November 23rd at the Bass Concert Hall. This marks the first time that Critical Role has performed in Texas. While Riegel will once again step into the shoes of his beloved character Tary, the rest of the Critical Role cast (Travis Willingham, Marisha Ray, Taliesin Jaffe, Liam O’Brien, and Laura Bailey) will play new characters, while Matt Mercer will DM the series.
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Critical Role is a popular web series that features a group of well-known voice actors playing Dungeons & Dragons. What started off as a home game among friends has become one of the biggest franchises on the Internet. In addition to amassing hundreds of thousands of views with every episode, Critical Role also raised over $12 million to fund an animated series starring characters from their Vox Machina campaign.
While attending a D&D live show might seem like an unorthodox way to spend your evening, Critical Role always delivers one hell of a show. I’ve had the opportunity to attend two Critical Role live shows, and both have had the infectious excitement of a sporting event and a positive energy that is hard to replicate anywhere. There’s a lot of mutual love between the cast of Critical Role and their fans, and it’s always on full display at the Live Shows.
VIP tickets (which gives buyers access to a 1 hour Talks Machina starring the cast of the show) for Critical Role Live go on sale on at 11 AM CT on August 12th. General admission tickets go on sale at 11 AM CT on August 13th. More information about the show, including prices, can be found on Critical Role‘s website. Those who can’t attend the live show can watch the one-shot at 7 PM PT on Friday, November 29th on Critical Role‘s Twitch channel, or on Critical Role‘s YouTube channel starting December 1st.