
League of Legends Is Bringing Back the Essence Emporium Soon

League of Legends players who’ve been saving up their Blue Essence to buy a champion or two […]

League of Legends players who’ve been saving up their Blue Essence to buy a champion or two might want to rethink their spending plans now that the Essence Emporium has been confirmed for a return next week. The limited-time store where players can purchase cosmetics and other items with their in-game currency is scheduled to open its doors on November 25th and will be live until December 10th, so you’ve got a while to save up Blue Essence if you’re running low right now.

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The patch notes for League’s latest update that sent players into the preseason for Season 10 included a section about the Essence Emporium and when it’d be returning. We don’t have a full list of everything that’ll be for sale in the shop just yet, but we at least know when it’ll be open and what types of content will be found there.

“The Essence Emporium returns for preseason from November 25 to December 10!” the patch notes said about the return of the store. “Spend your blue essence on icons, chromas, and more, including Emporium exclusives like the URFwick skin.”

Seeing URFwick return is pretty much a guarantee every time the store opens, but again, we don’t know what else will be there yet besides the general categories of items. Looking at June’s Essence Emporium as an indicator of what might be here, we had new and old items found in the store during the summer. Some of those returning items were things like Mystery Wards and Gemstones while League Partner Program Chromas were also included. Some of the newer additions then included Mystery Mini Icons and Midseason Chromas, so expect to see some more new content added to this next Essence Emporium along with a mix of old cosmetics.

Having the Essence Emporium return is always a welcome feature, but it’s return will come at a time where players’ Blue Essence vaults will be stretched thin. With the preseason now live thanks to the release of the latest update, players may be trying out different champions to adapt to the many changes like the new Elemental Drakes. Players might also be saving up for Aphelios, the new champion whose abilities still haven’t been revealed yet, or maybe they just bought the new support champion, Senna, who came out not long ago.

Whatever you’re planning on spending your Blue Essence on, you’ve got a while to figure it out. League’s Essence Emporium returns on November 25th and will stick around until December 10th.