A new look at the PlayStation 5 controller, the DualShock 5, has reportedly been revealed alongside new images of a leaked dev kit. And as you can see below, the controller looks like it did in previous leaked images. Further, it mostly looks like the PS4 controller, but a bit bigger, which probably means it’s a bit heavier as well. As you may know, one of the criticisms of the DualShock 4 is that’s a little bit too light. In other words, it looks like Sony Interactive Entertainment may have remedied this.
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The new images come from a developer who has — apparently — been given a dev kit by Sony already. As you will know, Sony sent out dev kits to developers months ago. Further, images of the developer kit have been leaking for awhile, so it’s not exactly surprising that the dev kit and controller have once again leaked. That said, while we’ve seen plenty of the console, we haven’t seen as much of the controller.
Now, it’s important to remember dev kits are not representative of the final consumer console. In other words, the PS5 you ultimately have sitting on your table or shelf will probably look nothing like this dev kit, or at least this is how it’s gone in the past. Meanwhile, the same isn’t really true with the controller. While it’s possible there will be some slight changes to the final form of the DualShock 5 that ships to consumers, it will, by and large, look like it does here.
While we haven’t seen official or final images of the PS5 consumer console or DualShock 5, that should change soon. In fact, we may see both as early as next month. As you may recall, the PS4 was revealed at a special PlayStation Meeting, which went down in February 2013. And it was a success. So, if Sony chooses to replicate this approach, then we may not have to settle for leaked dev kit images for much longer.
PlayStation 5 is set to release sometime holiday 2020. For more news, rumors, leaks, media, and information on the console, be sure to peep all of our previous and extensive coverage of it by clicking right here.
Thanks, Reset Era.