Massive 'Dungeons & Dragons' Supplement Adds Over 250 New Magic Items

04/15/2019 10:08 am EDT

A new Dungeons & Dragons supplement is a veritable treasure trove of new magic items. Everyone loves a good magic item, which is why it's strange that Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition seems to have relatively few magic items to choose from. While a DM can homebrew their own magic item, it's always nice to have some items that has received some playtesting and feedback to ensure that it's not too overpowered. Artifacts of the Guild is a new DMs Guild supplement containing 260 magic items ranging from the mundane to the legendary. Organized by Emmet Byrne, the 86 page publication contains items written by over 50 different writers, making Artifacts of the Guild one of the most ambitious DMs Guild supplements to date.

The supplement contains a variety of clever items that can be given to players even at low levels. The Beans of Jumping, for instance, allows a player to cast the Jump spell as an action after they consume it, while the Belt of Insignificance makes it harder for the wearer to be spotted in a crowd. Other items are powerful enough to be the focus of an entire campaign - a Divine Shard can turn a mortal into a god, while the Staff of Tiamat is a weapon created by Tiamat herself that grants a variety of impressive powers and abilities.

Artifacts of the Guild is an impressive undertaking, and is a must have for any DM who has ever labored over what magic items to leave sprinkled about in a dungeon. There's no such thing as having too many magic items...unless you're a player with four items that won't work without attuning to them.

Artifacts of the Guild is available on the DMs Guild for $9.99.


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