Blizzard Senior Test Analyst Says "Products Will Suffer" if Bobby Kotick Is Not Removed

Over the last few months, Activision Blizzard has seen numerous allegations of racism, sexism, and a "frat boy culture." While the video game publisher has been instituting some changes, a growing chorus of voices have pushed for the resignation of CEO Bobby Kotick. Many feel that Kotick has not done nearly enough, and recent allegations from the Wall Street Journal have accused the CEO of trying to cover-up problems at the company. Today, Blizzard senior test analyst Jessica Gonzalez announced her resignation from the company, and in her letter, she argued that Kotick is driving talent away from the publisher.

"Your inaction and refusal to take accountability is driving out great talent and the products will suffer until you are removed from your position as CEO. This may seem harsh, but you had years to fix the culture and look at where the company currently stands," Gonzalez writes, in a section directed at Kotick.

In her resignation letter, Gonzalez states that she believes Activision Blizzard "can be a great place to be," but a lot of work remains to get there. However, she also states that she is "mentally wounded from this fight," and has taken a position with a new company. That position, however, will be outside of the video game industry. Hopefully, Gonzalez's new job will offer a more welcoming environment away from the toxicity currently surrounding Activision Blizzard.

Gonzalez is not the only one arguing for Kotick's resignation; this month, shareholders and employees at the company have signed petitions calling for his departure. Meanwhile, companies like Nintendo and Microsoft are rethinking their working relationships with the publisher. Despite all of this, the company's board of directors continues to back Kotick's role at Activision Blizzard. Thisn is clearly frustrating for many, but it's possible the situation could become untenable as more employees depart, and if the quality of Activision Blizzard games does suffer. However, it's unfortunate that it might come to that before anything is done.

Do you think it's time for Bobby Kotick to be removed from Activision Blizzard? Do you think the company's products will suffer if he remains? Let us know in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!