Adi Shankar Talks Castlevania Season 2, Assassin’s Creed And What He'd Like To Work On Next

Adi Shankar has been quite busy as of late. Not only did he help put together the awesome [...]


Adi Shankar has been quite busy as of late. Not only did he help put together the awesome Castlevania mini-series that just debuted on Netflix, but he's also hard at work on a new Assassin's Creed animated series. But that didn't stop him from taking the time to talk to Nintendo Life about those projects…as well as one he'd love to work on.

When asked about the status of the second season of Castlevania, which will get double the episode order of the first season with a total of eight episode, he confirmed. "Yeah, the script are done and they blow Season 1 out of the water." But when asked if it would wrap up the narrative that ties in with Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse (which the series is based around), Shankar refused to answer, noting, "I don't want to spoil it!"

He also noted what inspired him about Castlevania, and what future plans for the series could be. "Here's what I love about Castlevania: to me, it's always been a story about multiple generations of a family. It's a timeline that spans many many centuries. Making this show was a dream come true and I would love to keep making as many seasons of this as they'll allow me to. As long as the fans keep watching the show and engaging in social media about it then the team and I will be able to tell a lot of Castlevania stories."

He also talked a little bit about Assassin's Creed, though that's still in the planning phase. "Lots has been decided, but I'm not going to reveal any of it," he noted. "It's going to be dope." (If it's on the same level of his previous work, we're certainly not going to doubt him.)

But what's really fascinating is what he noted he wanted to work on next, if he were to get a crack at another video game series. "Dark Metroid in the same anime style." We're pretty sure Nintendo would strike gold with the fans if it worked with him on that.

The first season of Castlevania is available on Netflix now, and the Assassin's Creed series should begin production soon!