Nintendo Says Animal Crossing Fans "Don't Want to Miss" New Direct

Animal Crossing: New Horizons fans have been begging for new content in the Nintendo Switch game, and it seems they'll soon get their wish. Tomorrow, Nintendo will pull back the curtain on the game's November update, which was teased during last month's Nintendo Direct. Very little information has been revealed about the new content thus far, but we do know that Brewster and The Roost cafe from Animal Crossing: New Leaf will return. However, it seems there might be much more to come, as Chad Concelmo, the VP of public relations for Nintendo of America at Golin LA, is hyping up the presentation in a big way.

"I know this month has been an overload of Nintendo presentations and launches, but you definitely don't want to miss this one! Make sure you block off some time to watch," Concelmo wrote on Twitter.

Nintendo fans can often get an idea of how much content to expect from a Direct presentation based on its runtime. In this case, tomorrow's presentation will run for 20 minutes, which is a pretty good amount of time! For those keeping score, last month's Nintendo Direct was 40 minutes in length, offering a lot of news about several different games and projects. Given that 20-minute runtime, it seems like a safe bet Nintendo will have more to share than just news about Brewster!

Unfortunately, it's hard to speculate exactly what else we'll see. There's still a large number of characters and elements from past games that haven't made their way into New Horizons. Previous games in the series have offered a significant amount of content based on Nintendo properties, including items like Samus Aran's helmet from the Metroid games, and characters based on the Zelda franchise. Outside of some Mario-related items that appeared for the 35th anniversary of Super Mario Bros., New Horizons has been lacking in the crossover department. Perhaps that will change soon!

Fans can find out for themselves when the Animal Crossing Direct airs at 7 a.m. PT. In the meantime, readers can check out all of our previous coverage of Animal Crossing: New Horizons right here.

Are you a fan of Animal Crossing: New Horizons? Are you excited for tomorrow's presentation? Let us know in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!