'Anthem' Will Offer Raid Matchmaking

February of next year can't come soon enough for BioWare fans anxiously awaiting to try out the [...]

February of next year can't come soon enough for BioWare fans anxiously awaiting to try out the studio's latest IP, Anthem. A big staple in BioWare games in the past such as the Dragon Age and Mass Effect series is that beautiful stories crafted in a way that throws the player all in. These branching narratives is what BioWare is known for butAnthem is shaking things up in more way than one. Luckily for those wanting to enjoy the online aspects but don't have a steady group of friends to enjoy the co-op option, BioWare has confirmed that matchmaking will be available at launch for all content.

Much of the story can be done solo but there are certain in-game events available to earn higher level gear that does require four people. For those that don't have a squad, matchmaking will be available so no one has to miss out on any part of the game. This is also applicable to generic quests and other undisclosed content options as well.

The most recent confirmation of this news comes from Mark Darrah on Twitter when one fan asked "will Anthem's version of raids have matchmaking?" Darrah said yes, which really comes as no surprise given their panel during PAX West earlier this year.

It was there that we also learned about character customization and how choices will matter, we learned more about the characters and how the story will progress - basically, a lot of those multiplayer fears have been sated thanks to the open transparency from the Executive producer and the rest of the BioWare Anthem team.

As a huge BioWare fan myself (shamefully admits I'm on playthrough 29 of the original Mass Effect trilogy), this does make me feel better about the upcoming game. Though I was impressed with my own hands-on time with the online title, it's still hard not to feel the loss of the earlier Andromeda controversy. Luckily, it seems EA is giving BioWare the freedom they need to get this right - and for that, we thank them.

Interested in learning even more about the game? You can check out our Anthem community hub right here for all of our previous coverage regarding the latest venture for BioWare.
