Apex Legends developer Respawn Entertainment has revealed that it will finally be making a much-requested change to the battle royale shooter when Season 14 goes live next week. For those who have been playing Apex Legends for a prolonged period of time, the game’s current level cap was likely reached quite some time ago. Despite an increase to the cap at the end of last year, players have continued to ask Respawn to make it even higher. Luckily, that’s exactly what will be happening with Season 14.ย
Videos by ComicBook.com
Respawn has confirmed today that Apex Legends Season 14 will be increasing the level cap in the game once again. Currently, the level cap in Apex Legends is set to 500. Rather than raising this level once again, though, Respawn will allow players to cycle through levels 1 to 500 three more times beyond what is currently allowed for. In doing so, it essentially raises the level cap of Apex Legends to 2000, which is drastically higher than what we’ve seen in the past.ย
The main reason why this is such a big deal for Apex Legends is because it allows players to earn even more Apex Packs by naturally playing the game. Assuming someone is able to cycle through all 500 levels in the game at the maximum of four times, this will allow them to obtain a grand total of 544 Apex Packs. Compared to the original level cap that was locked at 100, this should let people get even more out of the game without having to spend their own money.ย
Apex Legends Season 14, which is entitled Hunted, is set to go live next week on August 9th. When this new season of content does arrive, it will be accessible across all of the game’s platforms including PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and PC.ย
How do you feel about these changes to the level cap system in Apex Legends? Do you like the idea of cycling through all 500 levels once again rather than simply seeing the cap increase beyond what it’s currently set to? Let me know either down in the comments or message me on Twitter at @MooreMan12.