Brie Larson Stars in New Metroid Dread Ad

Over the years, Brie Larson has spoken at length about her passion for Nintendo, and the Captain Marvel star is showing that off in a new ad promoting Metroid Dread and the Nintendo Switch OLED. The paid ad appears on Larson's Instagram page, and in it, she talks about what series star Samus Aran means to her. Since the first Metroid released back in 1987, Samus has been depicted as one of the most powerful women in gaming, and Larson discusses how important it was seeing that while growing up. The actress also reveals that Samus has been her go-to in Super Smash Bros. over the years.

The Instagram ad can be found embedded below.

Metroid Dread is easily one of the biggest releases of the holiday season for the Nintendo Switch. Sales data for the game has not been shared by Nintendo just yet, but the title is on-track to be the best-selling game in the series thus far. The success of the Switch platform has given some of Nintendo's smaller franchises a chance to flourish in a major way. It's hard to say whether Larson's ad will convince some of her followers to check out the game, but clearly Nintendo sees some potential there!

Brie Larson's passion for Samus Aran extends beyond the games: the actress has repeatedly stated her interest in playing the character in a live-action adaptation. During an appearance on Animal Talking last year, Larson discussed her vision for a Metroid movie, and the importance of maintaining the isolation that the series has long been known for. It remains to be seen whether Nintendo will ever bring Samus to the big screen, but the company is clearly starting to see the value of adapting its IP. With a Mario animated movie on the way next year, and rumors of a Donkey Kong spin-off, the time might be perfect for Metroid to come to theaters. Whether or not that project would include Brie Larson, however, remains to be seen!

Metroid Dread is available now, exclusively on Nintendo Switch. You can check out our previous coverage of the game right here.

Have you checked out Metroid Dread? Would you like to see Brie Larson play Samus Aran? Let us know in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!