Another New Casting Call Surfaces That Sounds Very Much Like It's For 'Bully 2'

Last month, Pinewood Studios -- a prestigious UK studio that chiefly treks in TV and film, but [...]

bully pink
(Photo: Rockstar Games)

Last month, Pinewood Studios -- a prestigious UK studio that chiefly treks in TV and film, but does work with video game makers as well -- was hiring for an unannounced video game project that sounds an awfully lot like Bully 2.

According to the listing -- which has since expired -- Pinewood Studios is "seeking [a] young German/Dutch/Scandinavian male voice talent for an English-language video game project."

More specifically, the listing is for a casting of a supporting "Male School Bully" character that is between the age of 13-17.

The character is said to be a "friend" of one of the lead characters at school, "but their relationship is toxic, as he is a bully, often making the boy the butt of his jokes." Here's the full role description:

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Now, if that doesn't like Rockstar Games' Bully to you, then, well, I think you're probably crazy. But, if you need further convincing, then here's the script log attached (via PDF) to the listing that sounds even more like Bully.

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If this isn't for Bully 2, it's for a game that sounds tonally a lot like it. And when you factor in that there haven't been many games similar to Bully since it released, it makes you really wonder if this for the long-rumored sequel. I mean, come on, how many games are being made where there's a central theme of bullying and with a writing tone reminiscent of Bully?

That all said, back in October of last year, casting calls for Bully 2 seemingly released, also courtesy of Pinewood Studios. The casting calls in question made references to "College Professors," and pitched the project in a way that led many to believe it was Bully 2. Except it wasn't. Casting director on the project Jessica Jefferies, confirmed the casting wasn't for a Bully sequel not long after the story got picked up by numerous sites.

To make sure this newer casting call wasn't for the same project, I reached out to Jefferies, who confirmed that this isn't. Jefferies also reiterated that the project her name was attached to -- the one making the rounds back in October -- isn't for Bully 2.

After confirming this wasn't the same project, I reached out to Sarah Lynch, who is listed as casting director. And as you would expect, she declined to comment, noting she's unable to disclose any information on any of Pinewood Studios' projects.

Interestingly, Lynch didn't outright confirm the project isn't for Bully 2 like Jefferies previously did. However, Lynch's response is pretty textbook, and thus probably shouldn't be looked into very much at all.

So, is this casting for Bully 2? I don't know, but it sure does read like it. If it is -- which would mean Rockstar Games is still casting for the project -- that would suggest the game isn't very far along, and so even if it's indeed for Bully 2, we may not be hearing about it for quite awhile.

Thanks, Reddit (via fika122).


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