
Call of Duty: Warzone Streamer Nickmercs Reveals Best Gun in the Game After AUG Nerf

Call of Duty: Warzone’s recent update nerfed the two best and most popular guns in the game: the […]

Call of Duty: Warzone’s recent update nerfed the two best and most popular guns in the game: the AUG and the FFAR, shaking up the meta of the PS4, PS5, PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S game in the process. Right now, the new meta is still taking shape, but according to popular Twitch streamer and Call of Duty player, Nick “Nickmercs” Kolcheff, the M16 is currently the best gun in the game. In fact, according to the streamer, it’s over-powered.

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Speaking about the current meta, the FaZe Clan member noted that both the FFAR and AUG are still usable, especially the latter. However, Nickmercs argues the M16 tops both and will be THE gun in the new meta, both for casual players and competitive players.

“It’s going to be the best gun. It’s going to be the gun everybody uses in tournaments and wager. The AUG is still usable, but it’s not going to hit and have that control that the M16 has, and to be honest, they both hit the same way,” said Nickmercs “So, if you haven’t seen the switch or transition yet, trust me, you will. Everybody is going over to the M16. You don’t want to be late.”

Speaking about the M16, Nickmercs admitted the gun needs a nerf, but it probably won’t happen for at least a few weeks, making it a great gun to learn if you haven’t already. That said, if you’ve played Warzone for any appreciable amount of time, you’re probably quite familiar with the gun as it’s been near the top of the meta for a while now, because as Nickmercs notes, it packs quite the punch for how accurate it is, something the AUG can’t quite claim since the nerf.

Call of Duty: Warzone is available — for free — via the PC and both current and last-gen PlayStation and Xbox consoles. For more coverage on the battle royale game, click here or peruse the relevant links right below: