Dead Island 2 Report Claims Release Date Is Closer Than Expected

A new report associated with Dead Island 2 has claimed that the long-awaited open-world game is actually closer to releasing than many fans might be expecting. Announced all the way back in 2014, publisher Deep Silver has continued to assert multiple times over the years that the follow-up to Dead Island is very much still in the works. And while these promises haven't resulted in any major showings for DI2 over the course of the past decade, it sounds like this silence should be coming to an end soon enough. 

In a recent episode of the Sacred Symbols podcast, host Colin Moriarty shared that he has heard that Dead Island 2 could end up being re-revealed and soon after released at a time in 2022. Moriarty cited his own anonymous that are said to have knowledge of Dead Island 2 and its development. As for when the game could end up being released, Moriarty said that September or October of 2022 could be when the game would launch "at the soonest." If this comes to fruition, a re-reveal of the title would then be expected to happen in the summer. 

In a general sense, this would be a very logical move on Deep Silver's part given how long Dead Island 2 has been in development hell. With many fans likely refusing to give Dead Island 2 the time of day unless there is something substantial for the project to be shown, it would make the most sense for Deep Silver to just get the game in the hands of players without continuing to talk about it. After all, with an eight-year gap between its announcement and potential launch, this is a game that people are just ready to play at this point more than anything else. 

Do you think it's feasible that Dead Island 2 will actually launch this year? And other than this, are you even still excited for the game? Let me know your own reaction to this new report either down in the comments section or you can reach out to me on social media at @MooreMan12.