Deathloop Has Gone Gold

Bethesda and Arkane Studios have today announced that the upcoming first-person action title, [...]

Bethesda and Arkane Studios have today announced that the upcoming first-person action title, Deathloop, has now officially gone gold ahead of its September release date. After having been pushed back from its initial May 2021 date earlier this year, the announcement that the game has now reached this state suggests that no further delays will be coming to fruition in the weeks leading up to launch.

The news of Deathloop going gold was announced by Arkane via the game's official social media account today. "Deathloop has gone gold!" said the tweet in question in a very straightforward manner. In addition to this announcement, Arkane also shared a unique piece of artwork that featured the same message.

If you're unfamiliar with what the term "going gold" means, essentially, it tells us that the initial work on a project has now fully wrapped up. Although Arkane might still be working on Deathloop leading up to launch, the game is now cleared to begin getting pressed onto discs and shipped around the globe in anticipation of its release date. In addition, this announcement also often means that no further delays will be coming to fruition. While this isn't always accurate (Cyberpunk 2077 actually experienced one additional delay after going gold in 2020, for instance), seeing a game go gold almost always verifies a specific launch date.

As for Deathloop itself, it will be intriguing to see how this project is received. Although it's not a first-party title from Sony, the project is actually going to be one of the few console exclusives for PlayStation 5 that will be releasing in 2021. This exclusivity window is planned to last for one year, meaning that in September 2022, we should likely see Deathloop coming to Xbox as well.

Until then, Deathloop will solely be available on PS5 and PC next month on September 14. If you'd like to learn more about the game, you can check out our hands-on impressions right here.

How do you feel about Deathloop based on what has been shown? Let me know either down in the comments or hit me up on Twitter at @MooreMan12.