Fallout London Creators Share Update on Massive Mod's Release

The team behind Fallout: London says they are "waiting for the final green light" in regards to the Fallout 4 mod's release.

Team Folon has been relatively quiet about Fallout: London since the release date had to be pushed back due to the next-generation update for Fallout 4, which of course has caused issues with modded content pretty much across the board since its release back in April. As Fallout: London is a total conversion mod that takes the foundations of the game and transfers them to an entirely different city and country, this update put plans for release on hold as some base mods included in London's code would have to wait for fixes to be written by the creators until London could be finished properly. At the time Team Folon announced the release delay it was clear things would have to be taken month by month, but a new update posted to Reddit indicates the team may be approaching a full release. 

"There has been a lot of speculation regarding our upcoming release, and we wanted to open up and clear the air for our core supporters. The bottom line is that we've sent several builds over to GOG for QA testing and are waiting for the final green light," the latest update reads. "Once they've completed the process of double-checking that Fallout: London and its installer work on all supported machines, we should be good to go. (Yes, we have our own installer, and downgrader too!) It is in all of our interests that this final QA process is carried out in full, and we are very thankful that GOG is assisting."

The post further addresses concerns that the mod's release has been impacted, continuing to say, "While it may seem like not a lot is going on, we can assure you that the heads of the department have been working non-stop behind the scenes during this time to make the release build as good as it can be. The end is in sight. Stay safe and remember. Mind the gap." 

Meanwhile, Fallout 4 is still performing the best it has in years on Steam charts. While the last two months have seen dips in the overall player count peaks for Bethesda's game compared to March, April, and May of this year due to Prime Video's series surging interest in the games again, the lower numbers for June and July so far are still quadruple the typical numbers seen monthly since 2019.