'Far Cry New Dawn's Twin Villains Mickey and Lou Detailed

On Thursday night during The Game Awards 2018, and after a leak or two, Ubisoft unveiled Far Cry [...]

far cry new dawn
(Photo: Ubisoft)

On Thursday night during The Game Awards 2018, and after a leak or two, Ubisoft unveiled Far Cry New Dawn to the world, a brand-new spin-off Far Cry game that takes place specifically 17 years after the events of Far Cry 5 and in the same location: Hope County, Montana.

During the reveal trailer, we are briefly introduced to the game's antagonists, Mickey and Lou, twin sisters who are clearly a bit deranged, like any good Far Cry villain. However, while the trailer introduces us to the pair, it doesn't really provide any details or insight into who they are. Thankfully though, that's exactly what we have now.

Mickey and Lou are the leaders of the Highwaymen, a group of grisly outlaws that travel from place to place bleeding people dry of resources and killing whoever gets in their way. And now the pair find themselves in Hope County, an area well-versed in psychos.

How crazy are they, you ask? Well, they killed their own father. So, yeah, pretty crazy.

"[They've been] incredibly shaped by the world that they had to grow up in," said writer Olivia Alexander while talking to GameSpot. "It was a world of scarcity and lawlessness, and any good villain always think that they're doing the right thing and that's exactly the case with twins. They're here for a good time, not a long time. The Survivor philosophy is to plan for tomorrow. These guys live for today. It's hey, nothing matters — let's have a party and enjoy yourselves. Even if having a party hurts people around [them]."

As mentioned above, the game takes place 17 years after Far Cry 5, which (spoilers for Far Cry 5) ends with a nuclear blast going off. According to Alexander, the twins grew up in the aftermath, which not only implies they are pretty young, but that they have more of a survival's mentality than some others and no idea how civilization used to function.

In Far Cry New Dawn, you're working with different Hope County survivors to stop the Highwaymen, Mickey, and Lou...and something tells me things are going to get a bit insane in the process.

Far Cry New Dawn is in development for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC, and is scheduled to release on February 15, 2019 priced at $39.99 USD. At the moment of publishing this, there's been no word of a Nintendo Switch port, which is probably very, very unlikely to happen.

If you want, you can check out the first bit of gameplay of Far Cry New Dawn by clicking here.