'FIFA 19's Penalty Kick Bugs Are The Most Broken Thing Ever

FIFA bugs are some of the best bugs, and FIFA 19 has a few quality ones, such as bugs plaguing [...]

fifa 19 goalkeeper

FIFA bugs are some of the best bugs, and FIFA 19 has a few quality ones, such as bugs plaguing penalty kicks in the game.

Most of the time, when you take a PK in a match of FIFA 19, it all goes normally. But occasionally the game completely breaks during these moments, and the result is pure hilarity.

Like this time, when one Reddit user won a corner during a penalty shootout (which is impossibe), which they proceeded to score off of. Even better, it counted.

During the penalty shootout, I was given a corner and scored... from r/FIFA

Similar to the first one, another Reddit user was able to freely move around during his penalty kick with the ball. Again, not allowed, but hilarous.

So EA also changed penalties? from r/FIFA

And then there's this one, which is less of a bug, and just...well I don't even understand what happened here. But it's laughter inducing, so here you go:

Lost my pen shootout to this :) from r/FIFA

Fortunately -- or should I say unfortunately -- I haven't encountered any bugs during penalty kicks. In fact, I haven't really encountered any bugs at all. Though the ones I have, have almost all included goalies, so perhaps that says something.

As mentioned above, FIFA games tend to be a little bit buggy, especially at launch, but these have to take the cake as some of the best/worst I've ever seen. Normally most bugs are just textures not loading so Ronaldo doesn't have a face, but these are pretty elaborate bugs, particularly that first one.

All I want to know is how the first person scored that goal from that fixed angle. That's almost more insane than the bug that caused it.

FIFA 19 is available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC, and last gen-systems. For more on the game, click here.

And if you haven't already, be sure to peep our official review of the soccer sim. Here's a snippet:

"FIFA 19 is one of the best FIFA games in years. A massive improvement over FIFA 17, and a considerable advancement over FIFA 18, FIFA 19 is far from a perfect game, and is still shackled by gameplay inconsistencies and its annual release format, but for the first time since 2016, a new FIFA feels like an appreciable upgrade."