Final Fantasy XV Goes Full-on Valentine's Day With Adorably Hilarious New Pictures

It's Valentine's Day ... the day of love, life, and chocolate. It's also a day for Noctis to ditch [...]

It's Valentine's Day ... the day of love, life, and chocolate. It's also a day for Noctis to ditch his boy band bros in Final Fantasy XV with a group of hilarious, and adorable, new pictures from Square Enix.

Where Noctis is being an adorable romantic with his lady love Luna, whereas poor Gladiolus and Cor are awkwardly grumpy on a lovely gondola ride. At least Prompto is his adorable self with Cindy. Find yourself somebody that looks at you the way he looks at Cindy (or a camera), and you'll be set this holiday.

We couldn't help but to notice that Ignis was suspiciously missing, but luckily a few photoshop experts were quick to the draw (and we can't stop laughing):

If you look closely at the image of Noctis and Luna, you'll see there is a small easter egg regarding the recent release of Final Fantasy XV: Pocket Edition in their cell phone selfie. Chibi-sized glory. a fine little easter egg if you ask us.

It's all in good fun, and an adorable way to celebrate a holiday that is just kind of there. Who knows, maybe Ignis is cooking up a new RECIPAAAY for the lovely couples ... we bet he'd make a delicious chocolate lava cake.

PS: we see you Square Enix with that Gladiolus x Cor rare pair "... respected confidant," you aren't fooling us!

If you haven't had a chance to check out these lovely characters in action with the latest Final Fantasy installment, we definitely recommend it! A large open-world to explore, a unique cast of characters, and a narrative that is very different than previous Final Fantasy but is still charming with its realism! Final Fantasy XV is now available for Xbox One and PS4, with a PC release coming March 6th.