For many gamers of a certain age, trips to the local GameStop to buy or trade in games are a core memory. Before the days of digital downloads, this game store was a cornerstone of the gaming community and one of the most reliable places to get ahold of new games. In recent years, however, the stores have had their fair share of financial challenges thanks in large part to the ease of downloading digital games from home.
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A trip to the local GameStop now reveals much more in the way of Funko Pops and plushies than in actual games on the shelves. But for many gamers in the US, even this version of the old gaming titan may soon vanish. The closure of local GameStops is something of an ongoing problem, and more than 1000 US locations have shut down since the great retail killer that was 2020. However, widespread reports from across social media suggest that GameStop is once again on a spree of closing several physical retail locations in the US… but without a public announcement.

Everyone from local gamers to former GameStop employees have taken to the GameStop subreddit and other areas of social media to reveal recent closures. Many employees are less than thrilled with how the layoffs and store shutdowns are being handled, especially with the lack of public acknowledgement. According to social media posts, some employees are being transferred to other stores, but many more are being let go in what appears to be a massive downsizing of in-person operations for the company.
Gamers Say Fond Farewell to Local GameStop Locations
Amidst the frustration of former employees and customers who want to see a clear public statement from the company, many gamers are waxing nostalgic about the old days. As stores that have been part of communities for decades close down, many gamers can’t help but look back on the memories. Those old days of browsing the shelves looking for a used game bargain, or lining up to snag a day-of midnight release, loom large in the lives of many gamers. Many are taking a moment to thank their local stores for what they have been, despite overall frustration with the company at the corporate level.
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Others have practical questions about what these closures mean for customers. Some want to know if stores with announced closures will have clearance sales, for instance, while others are curious about what happens for any preorders they made at that store location. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem like this information is readily available, at least not until GameStop makes a formal announcement or statement about the closures.
As of now, the reported closures appear to be for US locations only. GameStop also operates retail locations in Canda, Australia, and Europe, but the US is by far the largest sector of its physical retail stores. So, it makes sense that this would be the first place for the company to turn when shutting doors. What comes next for GameStop remains to be seen, but it’s hard for gamers to view the widespread, quiet closures as positive news for the company’s future.