GTA 6 Could Be Unavailable to Millions of Players When It Releases

Grand Theft Auto fans have been waiting for GTA 6 for a long time. In fact, the wait for some began not long after GTA 5 was released, all the way back in 2013 during the PS3 and Xbox 360 generations. Since then, an entire generation --  the PS4 and Xbox One generation -- has passed, and we are closing in on the halfway point of the PS5 and Xbox Series X|S generation, yet there's still no sign of GTA 6. However, most reports agree the painful wait is almost over. 

We've long reported that the game will be revealed later this year and is tentatively scheduled to release in 2024. However, everyone knows Rockstar Games delays its games. Both GTA 5 and Red Dead Redemption 2 were originally scheduled to release a year before they did. In other words, if 2024 is the scheduled release date, expect the game to arrive in 2025. And all of this lines up with what industry insider Tom Henderson is saying in a new report. 

According to Henderson, part of the hold up is the game is going to release on current-gen consoles only. In other words, PS4 and Xbox One players are set to miss out. In order to ensure the install base is large enough to warrant the release of GTA 6, Rockstar Games and its parent company Take-Two Interactive have aimed to release somewhere around the halfway point of the current generation for quite some time. And all of this makes sense, however, it begs the question whether GTA 6 can be as succesful as GTA 5. 

When Grand Theft Auto V released, it was right at the end of the PS3 and Xbox 360 generation, when the install base was massive. That said, the game was pivotal in moving many early units of the PS4 and Xbox One when it was ported, and the same will need to be the case with GTA 6 and the current-gen machines if it's going to reach the sale heights of its predecessor. 

For most, the game being current-gen only isn't that big of a deal. If you don't already own a PS5 or Xbox Series X|S, you still have a couple years to secure one. However, those in smaller and developing markets around the world, this is bad news, as it means they are likely going to miss out on the game at its release and until PS5 and Xbox Series X|S are both more readily available in their respective region.