
Hideo Kojima Reviews Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3


Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima reviewed Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 and fans should be excited. On Twitter, the video game legend shared his thoughts on the new Marvel release. It’s no secret that Kojima has some serious admiration for the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise. So, it should not surprise fans of both properties that he found James Gunn’s big end to the trilogy satisfying. Kojima talked a little bit about the themes for each movie and how this enhances the structure of all the Guardians of the Galaxy movies after seeing Volume 3. Check out what else he had to say down below.

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“Went to see Guardians of the Galaxy VOLUME 3 at IMAX 3D theater. Boy, I can’t believe it’s been already 9 years since the 1st! Always enjoy the high speed dolly shot,” Kojima wrote. “1st was about Peter and his mom, encountering looser friends, and the 2nd was about Peter and his dad, bond between members and growths, and this time is about the past of the rocket and each member’s growth and future. The perfect structure for the trilogy.”

How Emotional Is Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3?

Series star Chris Pratt told The Hollywood Reporter about one ultra-emotional moment. So, prepare yourselves Marvel fans, it’s gonna take you there. “Well, our subconscious does not know if we’re acting or not acting, and I did whatever techniques a craftsperson uses to create a real emotion,” Pratt began. “That wasn’t one of those things where I couldn’t get there emotionally and so I was faking it with outside-in acting and adjusting my face in a certain way. I was really, really in it, and there’s an unpacking process to that. 

He added, “Everyone goes through shit in their lives, and if you have good mental health, you’ll compartmentalize it and pack it away in a good way. But when you unpack it to get somewhere, emotionally, on camera, your mind doesn’t go, ‘Oh, that was for fake. You’re good.’ You have to walk away from that, and it doesn’t go away for a while until you do the work to put it back. So, for me, that was a complicated moment, but also a complicated night afterward.”

Does Kojima’s review make you excited for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3? Let us know down in the comments!