Harmonix Shutting Fuser Down After Just 2 Years

Harmonix's support of its music mixing DJ game, Fuser, is coming to an end. The company announced this week that after what amounts to just over two years of support, the game's live services will be taken offline which means that it won't be buyable anymore nor will players be able to purchase DLC for the game. those who still own it will be able to continue playing, however, and won't lose access to what they've already got.

The end of Fuser's live services was announced on the game's site this week and on its social accounts. December 19th will mark the end of Fuser when it comes to sales and any online content.

"We want to thank you for mixing with us," the post on the game's site said. "On December 19, we will be disabling FUSER's live services and all sales of the game, as well as its DLC. Players who already own FUSER will still be able to play the Campaign and Quick Play with any DLC they have already acquired. Thank you again for your support and for all the amazing mixes over the years."

As is the case when these sorts of things are announced, players had mixed responses as well as some lingering questions. Some expressed their disappointment with the decision after they'd still been playing for the past few years following Fuser's 2020 release while others were simply happy with the time they got to spend with the game. others still wondered what would happen to things like the content in the Diamond Shop, the place that hosts limited-time offers on gear that rotates in and out of the shop. A common solution for these kinds of things is to give some or all of that content away for free close to the time the game ends given that sales are going to be turned off anyway, though it's unclear what'll happen to Fuser's various content systems in that regard.

Harmonix will end support of Fuser on December 19th, so get in whatever time with the game that you want to spend there before that happens if you're still fond of Fuser.