
Henry Cavill Finally Visits Warhammer World


The Witcher star Henry Cavill has made the trip of a lifetime – to visit the home of his beloved Warhammer 40,000. Earlier today, the Warhammer Community social media team shared a photo of Cavill visiting the Games Workshop headquarters. Cavill looks pleased as punch to be standing in one of the filming studios for Games Workshop, which seemingly hints that Cavill will appear in some sort of promotional video or an upcoming episode of one of Games Workshop’s hobby shows that air weekly on the Warhammer+ streaming service. Perhaps the most impressive part is that Cavill took the time to take photos with multiple Games Workshop employees, all of whom look absolutely delighted to be meeting the former Superman and current Geralt of Rivia. You can see Cavill looking like he’s finally found his people below: 

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Cavill spent much of the press tour for The Witcher promoting Warhammer 40,000, a long-running miniatures game about futuristic armies blowing each other up with the help of dozens of six-sided dice. Cavill is a noted fan of the game, and used the COVID-19 lockdown to catch up on his army painting (he plays Adeptes Custodes, for those wondering). Cavill has even teased getting involved in a Warhammer project, once noting that he looked like a younger version of the Emperor of Mankind….before the Emperor became a living corpse hooked up to a massive supercomputer who needed to consume the souls of a thousand people a day to stave off actual death. 

While Warhammer 40,000 hasn’t had its moment in the sun like Dungeons & Dragons, the game has gotten bigger over the last few years. Given Cavill’s love of the franchise, we wouldn’t be surprised if some studio announced a Warhammer project with his name attached in the near-ish future.