Hideo Kojima Describes Upcoming Game With Xbox as "Unusual"

Famed video game developer Hideo Kojima has acknowledged that his upcoming project with Xbox is going to be quite bizarre. Earlier this year, Xbox revealed that it had entered an agreement with Kojima and his studio, Kojima Productions, to work on a new video game. While details of this title have been incredibly sparse since that announcement, it sounds like Kojima is going to once again be leaning into his unique brand of weirdness. 

Speaking with IGN, Kojima spoke a bit more about some of the broad ideas at the center of his game with Xbox. Although Kojima didn't say anything about the game's genre, title, or when it might release, he used the word "unusual" to describe it. 

"In addition to [Death Stranding 2], we're making one other unusual title," Kojima said of his upcoming Xbox game. He went on to talk about how the project is one that he's wanted to make for a long time, but technology hasn't been in such a place yet that allowed him to create it. Fortunately, with some of the tech that Microsoft has at its disposal, Kojima found that his vision could now become a reality. 

"Part of why I've been able to make games for 30 years is because new technology replaces the old so quickly. The tech you use today may not be applicable tomorrow, and I'm interested in figuring out ways to incorporate the new," he said. "The project we're working on with Microsoft is one I have been thinking about for five or six years already. The project required infrastructure that was never needed before, so I discussed it with lots of different big companies and gave presentations, but they really seemed to think that I was mad. It was ultimately Microsoft who showed that they understood, and now we're working together on the project, including the technology front."

What do you think about Kojima's forthcoming game with Xbox based on what has been said so far? And do you think that we might learn more about this project in 2023? Let me know either down in the comments or hit me up on Twitter at @MooreMan12